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Re: Am Not Coping

At least it is keeping you distracted @Snowie - but 3 days is a lot of time if you are sitting around - do you stay with your daughter for all that time - sorry I don't know how old she is!

I didn't mean to wake up @Faith-and-Hope but it is always lovely to see her Smiley Very Happy

Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight @Shaz51, hope you get some sleep tonight

Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight @Shaz51 I hope you are feeling a little better tomorrow Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7, she is 12 years old so can leave her, but these three days are too far away from home to drive home, so just stay over there 

Re: Am Not Coping

That makes it harder then @Snowie - what did you do today to occupy your time?

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7it does but I filled in time, read, went for a walk, watched her for a fair bit of it.

The time went fast today, probably won't feel like that by Wednesday!

Re: Am Not Coping

By Wednesday YOU will probably be dancing @Snowie lol

Re: Am Not Coping

@Zoe7probably so. I think I will be danced out. Don't think I will want to see it ever again, but know that won't be the case.

I know Wednesday is busy for you but any plans for tomorrow?


Re: Am Not Coping

I know I can be completely honest with you and you will totally get it @Snowie - so tonight and tomorrow is simply time to 'get through' - the distraction tonight has been good - could have done with a bit more help off-forum but that is not always possible - it is what it is! I am still waiting for the first AND second lot of meds to kick in then hopefully I will sleep all night and most of tomorrow!

Re: Am Not Coping

Hahaha @Zoe7 .... I have been pottering around getting ready for bed, but sometimes that does wake me up again .....

Sorry to hear it is still so hard for you at this end of the day.


Goodnight @Shaz51 .... 💕