16-02-2018 11:46 PM
16-02-2018 11:46 PM
Yes, I read that about Neptune @Zoe7 ..... then translated it through banana-brain .... :face_with_rolling_eyes:
Thanks for sorting me out again .... lol .....
Thanks guys ....
G’night .... 😴
16-02-2018 11:46 PM
16-02-2018 11:46 PM
I need to wait until I am paid again @TAB and see if I can afford the gap - it isn't much but money is really tight at the moment - I know you know how that is
16-02-2018 11:47 PM
16-02-2018 11:47 PM
That is a sad face you have there sweetheart - are you okay? Has 'stuff' happened while you have been away that you had to sort out? @Faith-and-Hope
16-02-2018 11:53 PM
16-02-2018 11:53 PM
No @Zoe7 .... that was an eye-roll at myself for having read one thing (Neptune) but mixing it up with the other (Pluto) .....
And the sorting out was organising my bookshelf to be delivered ... 🎉 .... somewhere to put all the art stuff that is taking over the place here .... but I had voice-mails about it today and needed to fire off an email. All done (hopefully not with banana brain ..... 😏)
16-02-2018 11:57 PM
16-02-2018 11:57 PM
Oh I am so pleased it was nothing that could have spoiled your great day. Now go to sleep Hon lol - catch you tomorrow @Faith-and-Hope
17-02-2018 12:05 AM
17-02-2018 12:05 AM
@Faith-and-Hope @TAB Goodnight to you too
@Zoe7 goodnight hun. Am going to log off to try and get some sleep. Not sure how it will go, might be back on here in an hour😐😐
thank you for the distraction tonight sweetie, really helped and I felt as if we achieved something too, so even better.
i hope you get some rest at least. I think the word sleep needs to be a swear word😀
goodnight my Zoe 💖💕💗🦋💜💖❤️
17-02-2018 12:08 AM
17-02-2018 12:08 AM
Goodnight my @Snowie (I am still getting a giggle out of our names rhyming lol) I do hope you manage some sleep. I am going to take extra meds and try for a few hours at least... so I will log off soon myself.
Sweet dreams Hon (yes I know - yet again I am funny here lol) - let's just say sweet NO dreams and leave it at that
17-02-2018 12:12 AM
17-02-2018 12:12 AM
17-02-2018 12:17 AM
17-02-2018 12:17 AM
@Faith-and-Hope @Snowie... a Guardian Angel Lotus Flower for you...
17-02-2018 12:19 AM
17-02-2018 12:19 AM
I'm going to log off now too. Goodnight @TAB
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