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My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Hi All,

I am a new member of these forums and this is my first post.
I came across the SANE forums as a result of a search for BPD advocacy services within Australia. I am someone with a BPD diagnosis amongst others and, having advocated for my own treatment for a long time, I am at a stage in my recovery where I am ready to advocate for better treatment of people with BPD as a whole.

I have been in the mental health system and had my diagnosis for many years now. In the beginning, I was excited to finally have a reason for the experiences I was having. I thought it was all uphill from there because now we knew what we were treating and I would be able to access treatments to improve my symptoms.

Instead, I have discovered that BPD is a highly stigmatised illness, especially amongst health professionals. I have had to search to find people who would listen to me and take my needs seriously. And I am lucky enough to have found the right supports as a result.

Being treated poorly as a result of my BPD diagnosis has ultimately sparked a fire within me and I am becoming more and more prepared to fight for my rights and the rights of others. But for a long time this mistreatment made me feel weak and tired and powerless. Being made to feel ‘less than’ seems to be a common experience for people with BPD and a lot of people never make it out the other side (BPD has the highest suicide rate of any mental illness). It has to stop. I have been so lucky to have continued to fight and seek different avenues of support in so many different realms that I have come across people who see the good in me and encourage the positive attributes that I have.

It is possible for someone with a BPD diagnosis to form these positive relationships, to function in the workplace, to learn, to grow, to be ‘good’. But not everyone with a BPD diagnosis has the energy to cycle through as many supports as I have and nor should they have to.
If people with BPD were treated right from the start they would not have to fight so incredibly hard to find the respect and care that they deserve when they are already fighting so incredibly hard to survive and function.
We need a widespread change of attitude, of training, of empathy toward people with BPD if we are going to reduce suicide rates and improve the quality of life for people living with this illness.

I am here to learn more about other people’s experiences with BPD and I plan to use this knowledge to help to create the change that is so desperately needed.

I welcome your experiences and I look forward to reading these forums to learn from varied perspectives.


Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Hello and welcome @Tansy25 

I really liked your post.

I have just tried to survive and work my through ALL manner of diagnoses.   I am left with a somewhat detached view about them and our "health system".

Until recently I had never had a BPD diagnosis.  30 years ago a pdoc in hushed tones said my brother had it.  


I am totally behind efforts to improve the mental health systems and the stigma of BPD and all other labels.  Very recently, last December, apparently the CAT team told my Gp that I had BPD.  SHe told me that meant that they did not like me, and that she did not believe I had it, but instead had extreme circumstances to deal with for a very long time.  The Cat team lead me for a doozy of a journey, just after my 2nd real life biological passed away from a long illness.  I did not need to be played for a fool, so now, I will not be calling them again.  Not because they did their job, but they proved to me yet another time they did not deliver.  It was just smoke and mirrors, and they suggest I am the one with B&W or magical thinking!  The way my brother was treated was horrific ... cant write about it for triggers to others and retraumatising of self.


My bottom line is lets make the tax dollars do their job and improve the system.  NOT be too lacksadaisical about it being broken, which I have encountered .... Grrrr....



Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Thank you for your reply @Appleblossom. I found with my own journey that before my BPD diagnosis and when my symptoms are explained by other labels instead that health professionals were/are more accommodating and thoughtful in their approach to treatment options. I find it sad that something as simple as a label and the perception of said label can so drastically change the perception of the individual. To me, my mental illness is explained by symptoms rather than a diagnosis and I believe it should be treated and managed based on symptoms and the journey of an individual. Despite any diagnosis everyone presents differently and has different experiences. Despite the label, the person is the same and should be treated so

Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Fair enough @Tansy25 

Smiley Happy

My journey with MI began in 1966, I had personal observation of it in 1970.  Actually I went there last week and saw the hill we sat on under the gum trees ....and I have studied a great deal about it from first principals.  Some say Spectrum is great for BPD, not sure what you think, or if it is available in youtr area.

Cheers Apple


Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Well, I've just joined as well. But I think I just found my people. I spent years resisting help, finally went to get help and guess what? Not helpful. I'm at the "so now what?" stage.


(Then again. Thanks to this network I'm getting pretty close to the "how about this?" stage.)

Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Thanks for your reply @wellwellwellnez. Sorry to hear that you've had unsatisfactory experiences too. I'm glad you're here.


It took me a lot of searching and perseverance to find the right people to help me but I did find them. Whilst it's not ideal to have to search high and low (and I really hope this changes) I

encourage you to not give up searching for support. It's out there and you most certainly deserve it

Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

I totally agree with everything you have said @Tansy25 ! Thank you for sharing! 

Im definitely on the same page as you and am working hard to advocate for those with BPD.


 You're welcome to join us Raising Awareness of BPD - Flipping the Script . I'd love to hear more of your experiences.



Re: My Fight For Better BPD Treatment

Welcome, Tansy25! I too have a been given a diagnosis of BPD, & I'm doing my best to advocate for us, & others who receive this diagnosis, by engaging in lived experience representative work wherever possible. If you haven't already, I'd recommend joining the Australian BPD Foundation , & following the on social media. They're pretty passionate about improving the way BPD is viewed & treated too. Great to know there's others out there, also fighting to improve things for those of us with BPD, like I'm doing! I look forward to hearing more from you soon...