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Senior Contributor

Re: Stigma

Absolutely.  As if it wasn't hard enough to get a job as a single parent just wait until they found out one of my kids fitted the politically polite 'high needs' criteria.  At first it was all offers of support and flexibility but then the knives came out and whilst they knew they couldn't sack me they could get away with making my life hell so I'd leave.  At one point I was bullied into a mental breakdown by my employers (in the disability sector no less) because of my sons' needs.  I never disclosed my own mental illness because I saw how others were treated.  Happily I'm now in employment that really is supportive so fingers crossed.

Senior Contributor

Re: Stigma

That sounds really horrible JT, it shouldn't happen at all - though I know it does - but especially in the disability sector. What I am learning is that there are (dis-) services and services.

I am just beginning to see how lucky I am with the main provider we have out where I live. 

I am glad you have a supportive employer now, and I hope that continues. 

Best regards,


Senior Contributor

Re: Stigma

It think it's worse when it comes from an area that should know better and should be supportive but to have people use that knowledge against you is personal.  The general public are often just ignorant and need educating.  But everything happens in life for a reason so onward and upward! 

Senior Contributor

Re: Stigma

Hi JY,


Thought I would just say that there has been some pretty terrible things happen to you in the workplace, but you seem to have a good positive attitude, so good on you!! Onward and upward!! Let us know how you are doing.