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Re: Taking the plunge

@Former-Member So good to hear the storm is moving away in your life.

As A matter of fact @Former-Member I was looking out my window last night at a full moon and thought of you. I leave my bedroom curtains open and watch the sky changing colours, it's beautiful, and relaxing.

Is that Holly digging that hole???? You seem to have a pet possum @Former-Member, I have a blue tongue lizard. I wonder if they know they are welcome.

Talking of birds stealing grapes, I have had one raspberry and about three strawberries. I actually saw a black bird fly off yesterday with a whole strawberry in its beak. Cheeky numbers. I really don't mind, I enjoy their visits. Magpies singing, heavenly.

Not sure I would be out in a storm, but definitely rain.image.jpeg

No hurry to return to your thread, you know when you are ready to go there. Good to see you here.💗💕💜

Re: Taking the plunge

@Zoe7 How would you like to be paid? Does monopoly money suit?

Re: Taking the plunge

perfect @greenpea one can never have enough Monopoly money - especially when playing the sneaky kids at school that hide theirs lol

Re: Taking the plunge

Well @greenpea You do look dapper in that new outfit. @Zoe7 has done you proud. I wonder what she could do with my lotus flower????? It's so good to come here and find messages from you all, it makes my day.

Re: Taking the plunge

What is your favourite animal @Maggie?

Re: Taking the plunge

@Maggie beautiful Maggie you are such a lovely flower. You are so perfect I doubt even @Zoe7 could make improvements.

Re: Taking the plunge

My fur baby @Zoe7

Re: Taking the plunge

Wow! @Zoe7 is going to give it a go!!!

Re: Taking the plunge

That is indeed true @greenpea Smiley Very Happy

Re: Taking the plunge

@Maggie@Zoe7 Have to start making dinner. See you later xx