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Re: All Things Sport...


I chose Parra in my tips this week... they better win!

Who is likely to win in Aus v Japan? I don't really know where we rate in the scheme of the rest of the world!

Re: All Things Sport...

Don't tell me that @NikNik - you have a habit of tipping us and not winning Smiley Tongue

Japan is way above us in the rankings but we have played well against them over the last few years. It should be a close game - they have a really attacking team and we usually have a good defence so it should be interesting. I haven't seen the line up for tonight so I am not sure who is playing - I have not been following alot of my 'teams' lately - I am sure you get why - so I'll have to wait and see who is playing.

Re: All Things Sport...

You only need to worry when I'm over confident @Zoe7 - I'm not 100% sure about this game, just going on stats 🙂

I wouldn't really know many soccer players anyways... so you could just make up names.

Is Cahill still playing in the team?

Re: All Things Sport...

Oh that's good - we have a chance then lol

I actually don't even know if Cahill is in or not @NikNik - I think I am still back in the 90's with HarryKewell and Lucas Neil atm lol - completely lost track of time (and teams) lately Smiley Sad

Re: All Things Sport...

@NikNik - Cahill is on the bench!

Re: All Things Sport...

Gosh.. you know you're getting old when Tim Cahill is on the bench.

I don't know anyone on the team @Zoe7!


Re: All Things Sport...

You have the game on too @NikNik?

You know you are getting old when you were alive the first time Australia amde it to the world cup (1974 in case you were wondering Smiley LOL - I win LOL)

Re: All Things Sport...

Hi @NikNik Nice to meet you! is sport a happy distraction for you?

Re: All Things Sport...

Hi @frog Smiley Very Happy

Sport is a way that @NikNik can stir me up LOL

Re: All Things Sport...

@Zoe7Yeah me too - alive in '74 - an old timer! Terrible end to the first half 😞