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Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

catmosphere -- ha ha @Zoe7, @Former-Member, @Mazarita Smiley Very Happy

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

Oh @Zoe7 my sister xx

Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures  , I wonder what they are doing today Smiley Very Happy


Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

I am still smiling at catmosphere @Zoe7 and @Shaz51 !

I have been such a bad mummy, so busy with uni work 😞 I am not sure what Cat and Elsie are up too, I will have to give them a call today to CATch up Smiley LOLHeart

Hope you two are both having a nice monday ❤️ send my love to Toby @Zoe7 how was your weekend together? x

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

@Former-Member @Shaz51 @Mazarita

Elsie and Cat have been out of contact for a while as they have been hiking around Wales - having the occasional catnap when they feel like it and catinuing on their adventure when they wake. They have promised that they have ca(p)tured some amazing images as they have travelled but need to get the films developed when they return to the Cardiff so they can send them through to us.Cat Happy

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

Hahaaa catinuing ! Too good Smiley Very HappyHeart cannot wait to see the happy snaps!!




Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

FUR TASTIC  -- @Zoe7, @Former-Member, @Mazarita xx

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

The happy snaps might need to wait a little longer @Former-Member - Cat's mummy is really tired and can't focus properly to sort out the catalogue of images that Elsie and Cat sent through. They did say that there have been multiple sightings of Big Cats around the areas they travelled and they may or may not have encountered some of these - we will have to wait and see!!!!!!

@Shaz51 Elsie and Cat definitely seem to be having a furtastic time without their Mummy's around Smiley Happy

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

Heehee that's a good one @Shaz51 !! Smiley LOL

Lol a catalogue of images ! And Big Cats, how amazing!!

Get some rest mumma cat, we will talk soon 🙂

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

Alice says meow. Cat Happy

Re: Elsie and Cat's Travel Adventures

@Former-Member @Shaz51 @Mazarita

Photos from Elsie and Cat's time in Wales have come through finally. They spent their first night in Cardiff at a fancy dress party. Cat went as a caterpillar and Elsie as Catwoman. They only sent a photo of Cat as the ones of Elsie were not necessarily appropriate for public viewing!!!! Naughty Elsie - must be taking after her Mummy lol

This was their accomodation fot the night.... Cat was awake but Elsie was still somewhere catnapping after her big night at the costume party... (too much catnip again!)

Cat soaked up some rays near one of the many castles in Wales...

Cat and Elsie enjoying nature...

They sighted some Big Cats along the way...

Elsie pretended she was a Big Cat...