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Re: Far and Away

Hi @Zoe7 @Shaz51 , anyone else around .....


I haven't got to the top of my wardrobe yet, but I am all out of energy, so I have come to lie down for a while, with a strong possibility I will nod off soon.


It's grey and cold here, and Nelly is keeping me company, but she also loves attacking my feet under the covers whenever I move them..... ๐Ÿ˜

Re: Far and Away

haha Cat used to do that too before Toby came along and took over the house Smiley Tongue Cat is asking for her dinner but I need to wait a bit longer to feed both the fur babies. I will be able to drag out the time they get fed gradually until we ae back to the normal time - unfortunately the end of daylight savings is not something they get. I hate hearing Cat asking for food but need to put up with it for now.


I had a sleep this afternoon but it has made me feel even more tired. I am definitely going to have an early night - will need it in preparation for the upcoming week.


The sun has come out this afternoon and the rain seems to have passed by but expecting more over this evening and into tomorrow. Great weather to be inside!


Don't worry about the top of the wardrobe - you will get to it when you can - it is more important you look after yourself Hon ๐Ÿ’– I haven't got to the ironing yet but will do that and the washing up after I feed the fur babies ...then I can settle in for the evening, watch some tv and relax before heading to bed.


Not much else to get done today @Faith-and-Hope that cannot wait ....and it is going to be a busy week so not stressing too much about things either. Off to feed the fur babies now - Cat is still talking Smiley Frustrated

Re: Far and Away

@Angels333 . We just don't know how things will go.. My son is worried that he will have school over the internet.  He said he doesn't do as well,  when he's not in a classroom with a teacher.  He did a correspondence subject last year,  and didn't enjoy that aspect of it.

How is your daughter doing? 

Re: Far and Away

hello @Zoe7@Faith-and-Hope Heart

furbabies are funny xx

all my cats have all been dumped in our  street and they have picked our place to take over and live their paw prints 

one of the kittens quickly told the dogs who was boss but she could not convince grandma`s black cat who i inherited Smiley LOL, he was big cat 

very sunny and hot up here today 

mum is doing ok at home again from hospital but now has a steph infection in her arm 

mr shaz has been sleeping in  in the mornings , it is funny , he alway said that he wants to semi retire and here we are because of this virus thing , our customers are saying "not to come "

taking mum up for arm redressing tomorrow and the doctor 

i think i will need to see the doctor too as the left side of my face is aching 

Hello and Hugs @utopia@MDT@oceangirl@Angels333@BlueBay@Sans911 


Re: Far and Away

The fur babies do tend to take over @Shaz51 - no matter where they come from.


Please get yourself checked out too my sister - that doesn't sound good - if it gets worse tonight then head straight to hospital Heart

Re: Far and Away

will do my sister @Zoe7 

see i am totally deaf in the left ear caused by CRS  when mum was pregnant with me which has caused a few promblems 

so if i have a ear infection I can not feel it until it in the face 

Re: Far and Away

That is tough @Shaz51 - certainly worth getting it checked out ASAP then ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–

Re: Far and Away

Shaz the cat @Shaz51

Re: Far and Away

My sister has had similar problems on the side of her head too @Shaz51
It's wisdom teeth related they think

Re: Far and Away

Hey @utopia 


D1 finds it annoying, she does a lot of practictical stuff so that's problematic.  She actually finds it's an advantage for drama as she doesn't have her group work and  that was a big headache as she didn't connect with her classmates -bullying etc  So I'm not sure how to approach the topic with her.  It's a worry for sure xx