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Re: Far and Away

Drove up to see mum after work but 

Can't see mum as her ward is closed due to a covid postive detended

@Faith-and-Hope , @Emelia8 , @Zoe7 , @Former-Member , @Eve7 

Not applicable

Re: Far and Away

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope  and Thanks @Zoe7 for your sound advicey. I seem to forget everything  I know and slip into panic mode.


I'm pleased you got something to relieve your headaches @Zoe7 .


Enjoy your afternoon's. All good here at Op shop.




Re: Far and Away

Sorry you can't get into see your mum @Shaz51 Hopefully they can put in place something so you can visit her.

@Zoe7 glad you got something stronger from the gp. Hopefully it helps and relives some of the pain for you.


@Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Emelia8 and anyone else around. I hope your day has gone well.


Sending lots of love to you all ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ 

Re: Far and Away

No @Snowie , they closed the whole place   will ring later 

Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @Snowie Headache eased and I have slept for the last few hours after snuggling up for Toby cuddles. My arm is sore from the vaccination but no other side effects. ๐Ÿ‘ Going to do some bits and pieces tonight while watching the footy then hopefully an earlier night than I have been having. If I can get some sleep and get up early then I can do the shopping, Bunnings and chemist early and spend a couple of hours in the garden.


@Shaz51 I know it is a concern but best to be safe for everyone. I am sure the hospital will have put in their own measures to contain the positive case but it is still disappointing that you cannot visit your Mum.

Re: Far and Away

Very true my sister @Zoe7 

I will be still able to ring the ward and talk to mum which is good 

Also dropped off her favourite biscuits arrowroots for her ๐Ÿ˜€โค

Re: Far and Away

Being able to still call and talk to her is good. Maybe you could get some of her favourite biscuits for yourself too and share them over the phone @Shaz51 

Not applicable

Re: Far and Away

Hello @Shaz51,


So sorry about your news regarding your Mum.

I hope she is okay.






Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope I hope you are getting things done Hon.


I can't sleep presently. My headache has gone (finally) but too much in my head. Was asleep earlier but had a nightmare - not had one of those for ages so it has really thrown me. Stupid trauma has a way of throwing us for six when we least expect it. Going to stay on the couch with Tobes and hope for sleep without any more nightmares.

Re: Far and Away

โค๏ธ @Zoe7 โ€ฆโ€ฆ..


I have had strange dreams lately that have woken me up, but hopefully they will begin to settle down again soon.


Jay has decided I need waking up at 5am these last couple of weeks.  Thunderstorms donโ€™t help โ€ฆ. he feels obliged to sound the alarm โ€ฆ. lol


I hope sleep has caught up with you โฃ๏ธ