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Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

A room filled with cheese platters and cacti and our @Former-Member would never leave lol

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

good thinking @Zoe7
I almost forgot about this, but this thread reminded me so thank you for that!

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

If I get tired, I bag the moon bed @Former-Member @Zoe7
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Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

OH my gosh @Zoe7 HAHA those underpants are amazing, they fit perfectly and very comfy Smiley Very Happy now I feel very comfortable with the whole world watching me tonight Smiley Very Happy

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

@Heavenbound@Deedee you might have to leave the island for a party here tonight.


Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

@Former-Member thought you would like your own telescope to keep an eye on us here too lol

@utopia you can have the moon bed - I am just a little flutterby and can sleep anywhere (how paradoxical is that - don't I really wish that was the case Smiley Frustrated)

@MDT pleased this was a good reminder for you Smiley Very Happy

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

Maybe that's why you chose the butterfly as your avatar @Zoe7.
By the way, the music list you wrote up for tonight is perfect. Some great songs there.
Not applicable

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

Ha yes a big enough moon to have my eyes out everywhere, but the forum telescope will come in VERY handy @Zoe7 Smiley Wink

I also put together a pinata for later .... might help burn off the sugar rush

Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at 2.54.00 PM.png

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

The icecream(?) looks delish @Former-Member

Re: Lunar Eclipse Party

And right on cue, the clouds are rolling in across Brisbane...