19-10-2018 09:50 PM
19-10-2018 09:50 PM
@MDT I love the HP books, but I just can't watch the movies... I think I spent so much time reading the books as a kid that I don't like the movies because they are not an exact replica of how I imagined the story
Also, I cannot get over the bit in the fourth book/movie:
19-10-2018 09:50 PM
19-10-2018 09:50 PM
@MDT, that is awesome with your overseas travel next year. It will be a great experience. I like that quote about dreams. I've had a lot of flying dreams lately. I enjoy them and usually wake feeling peaceful and calm.
@Adge, I know the feeling of not having the energy to post sometimes. 'Supports' are a good way to go at those times. Hope you get some good rest tonight and wake up feeling refreshed.
@Shaz51, love hearing you are getting a sleep in. Enjoy!
@soul, @Lilyq, at the moment, I am waking about every two hours overnight. Usually includes a dawn awakening. I like that time of day, especially the bird song.
19-10-2018 09:52 PM
19-10-2018 09:52 PM
Here's to dawn!
19-10-2018 09:54 PM
19-10-2018 09:54 PM
Hello @bean, @Jumpingcactus, @Bill16, @Vrpl, @outlander
fingers crossed for tomorrow my scotirish sister @Mazarita xxx
19-10-2018 09:57 PM
19-10-2018 09:57 PM
19-10-2018 09:57 PM
19-10-2018 09:59 PM
19-10-2018 09:59 PM
heyyyy @Jumpingcactus, what did you have for dinner
19-10-2018 10:01 PM
19-10-2018 10:01 PM
19-10-2018 10:01 PM
19-10-2018 10:01 PM
I've been fascinated by dreams for a long time, @MDT, and have even made short films based on dreams in the past. I've been having a lot of them lately too. Sometimes enjoyable, sometimes not, sometimes in between. I'm not familiar with depth psychology but have encountered a lot of different theories about dream interpretation over time. These days I am mostly interested in them as strange and intriguing stories.
19-10-2018 10:14 PM
19-10-2018 10:14 PM
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