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Enabled mother controls me repressively - please help!

I'm in dire circumstances. My mother, whom I'm certain is severely mentally ill, has gotten away for far too long with exercising repressive restrictions on me and my sister. She has hid behind one such illness, autism, to justify her sociopathic behaviours of domestic violence and bullying via threats of police involvement for delayed obedience, but also her Machiavellian demand that I be scrutinised and "protected" over the course of my entire life.


My sister now acts like nothing more than a copy of my mother, and the latter also poses a potential threat to my life; if I manage to defy autism any further than I already have, she may decide that I must pay for undermining her copout with my life.


Re: Enabled mother controls me repressively - please help!

Hi @Cl1fford-C413b,


I am so sorry to hear of the terrible situation you are in with your mother and sister - no matter what, there is no excuse for abuse and violence. In this light, having a mental health issue, such as autism, does not equate to or permit violence.


Given you said their behaviours pose a potential threat to your life, I am quite concerned for you. If you are in imminent danger, please call emergency services (000). However you may also wish to contact the services below for further assistance:


1800 737 732

Online Chat
24-hours a day


Safe Steps – Family Violence Response Centre
1800 015 188


Please take care,



Re: Enabled mother controls me repressively - please help!

ohhhhh @Cl1fford-C413b   sorry to hear of the terrible situation you are in with your mother and sister -

are you ok @Cl1fford-C413b xxx


Re: Enabled mother controls me repressively - please help!

I have a better helping idea: involuntary commitment. With the knowledge made public that this woman is indeed a danger to others, and namely me and my future, and that she can't even follow through on decisions on her own care, I can truly be saved from her Dark-Triad-level malice.


If you don't know what the Dark Triad is, it is an informal term for the most malevolent personality traits found in humans, being the narcissistic, the antisocial/psychopathic, and the Machiavellian. Here is a full explanation.

Re: Enabled mother controls me repressively - please help!

Yes. Not been in any serious danger for years. That's why a 000 call wouldn't make the cut; I seek to have mother involuntarily committed.