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Re: I can’t cope

Pain meds make her sleepy too @Captain24 so hopefully she sleeps tonight.


Walking the dogs and brunch sound nice. Have you got any pet friendly cafes around you? Maybe the dogs can go with you.


No plans, just see how D goes the next few days.

Re: I can’t cope

That’s good at least some sleep will be good. @Snowie 


Taking the dogs wouldn’t really work… Jett barks at everything and what he misses Pixie barks! 

I hope d cruises through it. 

Re: I can’t cope

I reckon I've been cake and ice-creamed out @Captain24 ! Too many birthdays everywhere. 


Tonight, there was mudcake and homemade cake on the table. My sister also made a homemade icecream, biscuit cake thingo...I haven't tried it yet.


I reckon I'm going to get some mudcake now 🙂 Thanks for the reminder. 


It was my sister and her MIL's bday - a few days apart.


I bought the MIL shoes, but I got the wrong size. I bought them online so I had to return them, and reorder.


Tonight, I had beef pie for dinner with pumpkin and salad + a few fried chicken ribs.


Ruby-Rose had her needles today. Don't know what for... just those puppy needles.


I'm glad you got to have the dogs on your lap and you treated them with a bone!

Re: I can’t cope

Izzy's quite likes going to the cafe with us @Captain24 She gets some food too!




Re: I can’t cope

Re: I can’t cope

Happy Birthday @Captain24 Im glad you didn’t have to work today and that you went out for breakfast.


I hope tonight goes well for you.



Re: I can’t cope

Happy birthday dear @Captain24 💕

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @Eve7 @Bow 


Hi @ArraDreaming 


OMG I have just spent the last 30 minutes in tears of laughter. My best friend rang me for my birthday and her son joined the conversation. He told me all about the titanic how it was the sister ship and that there was 2 other ships and a nurse was on all 3.


Then my bestie said ‘ oh my god s’ he told her she couldn’t say that as it was offensive to Christians. Then he was telling me that he is half aboriginal and that the land is ours. But his skin is white because he has his mother’s skin so he thinks he has brown blood. His dad is aboriginal but he has never met him. 

Then he told me all about some shark that’s extinct. 

This doesn’t sound funny but it was just priceless he is 8 and obviously spends to much time on YouTube! 


@Snowie @tyme 

Re: I can’t cope

Sounds like my kid, talked for 45 mins about Patagonia last night

Re: I can’t cope

Kids are hilarious.. that's why I've got these monkeys here @ArraDreaming @Captain24 .


Wait, I need to show you my nephew's drawing if I can get it to load on these pic-friendly forums!