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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Your house sounds chaotic ours flooded the house today would you prefer to swap? @tyme ?? 😭

Re: I can’t cope

Both are probably as bad as each other @ArraDreaming ...

Re: I can’t cope

I’ll check back in ya later @tyme I have to continue the clean up
Might see you on the chat see how I’m going send good luck and good vibes

Re: I can’t cope

No stress. @ArraDreaming  Catchya later

Re: I can’t cope

Whatcha get up to today @tyme???

Re: I can’t cope

Went to church this morning, but was late because I had a bit of a disaster morning. The garage door wasn't working so I couldn't get my car out. I'd already put everything in it and was ready to go. 


So I decided to use my other which was parked outside. Transferred everything into the other car and then realised the car didn't work.


I called road side assist and waited for them to come. Then my sister phoned and said I was supposed to take Sunday school, and said the same thing happened with her car in the front. She gave me a few hinters about what to do. Then I did it, and the car worked. Then had to call road side assist and cancel the call out.


So in the end, I was about an hour late, but still took Sunday school and everything was okay in the end.


Now I'm home and I can hear the kids from a mile away. They are having 'races' indoors.... it's soooo noisy in this house.


Enough of my venting. How are you today?

Re: I can’t cope

Oh wow @tyme  thats an intense start to the day and a huge effort to get to church! Good on you for following through though, I think I would have given up and just stayed at home. 

I’ve been in bed all day sick. Feeling pretty miserable. Aches and pains, cough, chills. 

Re: I can’t cope

Arghhh. Poor you. @Bow . I don't feel 100%, but it is what it is. And it was raining today when I was in and out of cars.... I was annoyed.


I've got a week of youth activities at the church this week. Only a few hours each day though. At least the kids will be occupied....


@Captain24 , sounds so touch to hear what your mum said. Do you think she said it with malice?

Re: I can’t cope

You’re such a busy person @tyme always on the go go go. Hope you’re getting enough rest and taking care of yourself! I care! 
We missed market today. Just too unwell. And it was raining too, so kinda good we were sick cause it’s no fun setting up and doing market in the rain. 

Re: I can’t cope

It was tough @tyme. While she wasn’t actually talking about me, it was still  sort of off handed with disgust. I think she is ashamed of me. 

Sounds like a rough day. 

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