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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

I reckon feeling stressed it totally okay @Captain24 ! It's a big transition. Are you going to take a notebook?


Nah, I don't think anyone can ever be ready. Have you written down any recovery goals?


You know what? If you can't sleep, it's totally okay. I reckon you'll make it up later. I used to get worried about not sleeping... when I stopped worrying about not sleeping, then I sleep.. ironic, eh?

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve got a book and I’ve got a folder with plastic sleeves to put my info sheets straight into. @tyme 


I don’t know what recovery goals.


I get it. I feel like you can talk yourself out of it. After having the manic episode sleep is really important. Not the correct sleep could send me back into it. 

Re: I can’t cope

True too @Captain24 . I just hope it's not the worry of not sleeping that's keeping you awake - if you know what I mean.


That's okay if you don't know your recovery goals. It may come to you later. How long are you staying for again?

Re: I can’t cope

I think it’s the worry of everything right now @tyme am I ok? Will I be ok? Can I do this? Am I doing the right thing?


Its a 3 week course 

Re: I can’t cope

What have I done ??????

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 what's going on for you?


Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Ru-bee 


Did you get your garage sorted? 

Im sitting here on my bed waiting for my admission to be finished. 

My anxiety is totally out of control. 

Re: I can’t cope

I got a large chunk of it done, it's just all the fiddly bits left to sort through @Captain24 


Good on you for getting here! Look at how far you've come to get to this point today, you can do this!


How long will the admission process go for?



Re: I can’t cope

Those little bits seem to take forever @Ru-bee. At least you can see a big difference so you can see your progress!

The admission has been completed. 

Now I’m sitting in my room alone trying to talk myself into going and getting some lunch. 

The first 24hrs I can’t leave and get checked in every half hour. I’m hoping my Pdoc signs me off and I can have leave tomorrow. I don’t want to sit in this room alone. Especially when the beach is just down the road. 

Re: I can’t cope

I hope you can have leave tomorrow too @Captain24 I always find being by the sea so healing and refreshing and it sounds like something to look forward to when it's possible. Is it a nice beach?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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