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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks, @Captain24 .


I'm glad you can keep your awesome psych. 

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve packed as much as I can. I’m having a bad day but I’m looking forward to my own isolated space with my beautiful dogs. 

Everyone pushes that you have to have a strict routine to follow when you get home. It was stressing me out. My amazing psych said to me this afternoon that I need to start slowly. That I won’t be able to do it all at once and that I will feel like a failure. So my first start is to get out of bed at 8 am and not return to bed until evening. 

I can add walking the dogs in next when I’ve accomplished one thing. 

Im really struggling tonight. My Pdoc doesn’t think I will make it to 6 months before I need to come back. That doesn’t sound real positive. 

Re: I can’t cope

Sounds to me more like your psych is trying to ensure you're setting realistic expectations for yourself @Captain24. I mean, I can't imagine it'd be fun to be told you'd have to go back in when you were of the impression that you wouldn't need to. I do not see that as a lack of faith in your capabilities at all, but more like, this is a person who understands that recovery takes time. This is a person who wants to be thorough, not just 'oh but you did an inpatient stay, you should be fit as a fiddle now!' y'know?

Re: I can’t cope

Hi cap hope your ok

Re: I can’t cope

I’m relieved for the gentle way of being at home. @Jynx. I see my psych again in 2 weeks. So I’m hoping that I can tell her that I have made more progress. I feel like she has given me a better chance.


My Pdoc realises that I’m not overly well. She is concerned that I’m going to struggle too much before I admit that I need an admission. That’s what is concerning her. She wants me before I get to crisis level. But I have to think of work. I need to have enough leave. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 nothing quite like the comforts of our own space, hey.


Maybe that's something to work on with your psych - listing out your early warning signs, so you have a clear cut idea on when you might need to be thinking about an admission. Reckon that could help?


I think sometimes, when folks have been earning big dollars for a while, they can forget about just how much something like 'taking a week off work' can put us in the black. I hope your pdoc can be understanding of those sorts of factors 🤞

Re: I can’t cope

Oh.. I can’t wait. @Jynx. I leave in 11hrs and 47 minutes. I’ll be home in 16 hours! 

My psych went through a safety plan

with me. For the first time. We worked on early warning signs in group so I have a list. 

I know.. they forget I need to keep a roof over my head. Everyone just thinks MH comes first but it just doesn’t 

Re: I can’t cope


Re: I can’t cope

OMG so close you can almost taste it ay @Captain24!! The puppy cuddles are gonna be just divine!!


Oh that's awesome! Hey, up to you, but if you felt it could be helpful you're welcome to share your safety plan and warning signs with us (via email) so we can like, add them to your profile. So then if we notice anything, we can point it out, and support you to figure out your next steps! Just a thought 😉


Well I guess put it this way - not having a roof over one's head is really bad for our MH.... so you're not prioritising it OVER your MH, you're simply ensuring the whole bloody house of cards doesn't come down around ya because you're suddenly homeless. Like no amount of coping tools is gonna give you a good night's sleep when living on the streets! Prioritising your income and housing IS prioritising your wellbeing 😁

Re: I can’t cope

I just emailed it @Jynx. I would love the help with it. If it’s possible. 

Im desperate to see them. 

Im getting up early in the morning. Like 4:45 to take my friend down to the beach to watch the sunrise. We did it this morning and tomorrow is the last time I can take her and she loves this morning. My Pdoc was shocked that I did it for her. She was really proud of me. 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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