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Re: My special place

@Snowie 💜 ❤️ 💜 🙁

Re: My special place

@Snowie ..... please stay close Hon ..... ride it out.  Forum friends who are taking time out will likely be back, under a different name and a new account if need be.  

Hugs and hugs Hon ..... we are here with you.



Re: My special place

@Faith-and-Hope @Sans911 @Former-Member @Shaz51 @outlander 


I hope you all have a good day

Lots of love and hugs ❤💜

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie- how's your day going hun?

Re: My special place

Hey @Sans911 

My day is going ok. Been stuck inside, hasn't really stopped raining here.

How are you?

Re: My special place

I would love it to rain here @Snowie

I had my support worker this morning for a couple of hours. We went for a walk and also got a coffee. My support worker is turning out to be a nice person. I'm probably going to have a second sp (female) just in case my main one falls sick.

Then I've been studying this afternoon my nurse refresher course. I'm now watching a video chat where people are asking questions. In getting annoyed with these other students as they are all moaning about their challenges instead of just getting on with the course. I've had my challenges with it too but it must be finished in 3 weeks, so you just have to crack on, and do further reading and review later.

I did put myself down for an agency shift today but after a big disappointment last night I took myself off the availability.

Re: My special place

I am so glad your support worker is turning out to be the right fit for you hun. It is hard to find those people that we connect with.

I am meant to have a support person tomorrow but I am not sure if it will go ahead with everything going on. I guess I could do a phone chat but its not the same.

I'm sorry to hear there was a big disappointment last night @Sans911 

Did you want to talk about it?

Hopefully you get a shift soon.

Re: My special place

Yes I agree we need our support workers face to face. Mine is still agreeing to do that because there's no one else in my house, and I've really not going anywhere much at all. Plus my home is quite clean. Perhaps your support could meet you in a park and you can maintain distance. It's important to have a discussion with them to have your needs met. Even in this situation we're in.

I was supposed to host an online meditation session last night. 10 people had confirmed they were attending. No one logged in online. I was gutted. I was just going to post in the worry but outlander messaged me just before I did that. I really wanted to sh and shut down. Pissed off with humans and the world. Sick of trying, putting myself out there, all the effort I put into trying to make others feel good and I end up feeling crap. But I talked to lil Sis, and watched something on Netflix that needed a lot of attention. I got through.

But I just didn't feel up to taking a shift after that. If I had a bad day that would be another disappointment to deal with that could have tipped me over to sh.


Re: My special place

Sorry to hear about the meditation session last night hun, that would really annoy me too. Especially when people said they would attend and no one logged on. I am glad @outlander was here with you @Sans911 and you were able to resist the urge to SH. 

It is good that you put yourself first hun and minimised ways to you getting more distressed. You are more important then a shift, even though I knew you were looking forward too it. Hopefully it is not long until you have a chance to put your wonderful nurse hat on again.

@outlanderhow are you hun?

Re: My special place

You are always so understanding and non judgemental hun @Snowie 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕

That means so much. I'm my own worst judge so I don't need others to add to that. I know you understand.

I know at some point I just have to get out there and do my first shift. And I'll probably be OK after that. I know through doing my refresher course I still know my 'stuff' so that's good. It's just taking that first step.


Afternoon lil Sis @outlander 💜 💜 💜