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Re: Not Coping

Just the oldest our middle kid is just at kindy 3 short days a week,
my Mrs, me and the two little kids tomorrow, @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

Okay, that will be nice @ArraDreaming 

Do they like going to the park? 

Re: Not Coping

They do the baby actually had her first swing on the swings this morning at the playground @Birdofparadise8 she’s getting so big so fast what happened to our tiny newborn 🫣

Re: Not Coping

Aww, and next you know it, she will be 18 @ArraDreaming 

Re: Not Coping

now that’s a scary thought @Birdofparadise8 nah having little kids is lots of fun but they all have something different like the oldest kid and I can have full blown conversations now which 🤯

Re: Not Coping

Yeah, I can only imagine @ArraDreaming 

I can't wait to have children. 


Re: Not Coping

how many would you like @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

3 is fun, busy but fun

Re: Not Coping

As in do you picture a big family or small family? @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

Well, I was an only child, so definitely at least two, but I don't think any more than three. I guess it also depends on when I get married and how old I am, and also if I will go through the whole process okay. I'm just worried I'll be like my mum with having premature babies and all that. @ArraDreaming 


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