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Panic and anxiety attacks

I wanted to ask others about panic and anxiety attacks. I read that panic attacks are environmental and so I would react to whats there. I read that anxiety attacks are triggered by stress, trauma you know like emotional mind stuff. I'm not sure well? actually I dont know but these  two types of attacks have similar physical symptons but anxiety can be intense. Like breathless, nausea, pressure on the chest and maybe arm, neck, back.

I have had this and there is no heart problems or Dr doesn't suspect angina. When I get this I try to ground. My last episode I wasn't stressed of course my SBD 1 is always maintenance but I didnt think it would cause me to have these 2 types of attacks.

Can someone shed light on this? or suggest other test that I should have?? cheers in advance 🙂

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Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Neelix

That’s an interesting question. It’s true that different things in our environment can trigger anxiety or panic attacks. The symptoms you describe are also often associated with panic attacks and anxiety.

It’s great that you are trying to ground when you have this experience. Are there any particular grounding techniques that you’ve found helpful?

I haven’t heard the term SBD 1 before. What does that refer to?

There are lots of others on the Forums who have mentioned their experience with anxiety and panic attacks, such as @Sans911, @CheerBear, @outlander and @Aussiej. Perhaps they have some insights to share from their own experience.

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Neelix
Ive got alot of coping strategies ive got to head out niw but will be back later
Remember to breath ❤

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Neelix. I read this question this morning and at the time didn't have much to offer as I hadn't considered there to be a difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks, or the different causes of these. Your question did prompt me to ponder this, but I'm not sure I've arrived anywhere helpful yet.

I'm thinking of the last big and distinctly memorable panic attack I had. The trigger was an external stressor (multiple probably, but one in particular set me off), so I would consider that 'environmental'. There was also lots of underlying 'stuff' bubbling away at the time too, related to trauma and emotions, which from this perspective would be the 'mind' stuff (internal).

For me, I'm not really sure it matters to make a distinction between the causes, though perhaps it could be helpful as identifying triggers can make it easier to work through them. What is helpful for me is understanding the vast array of physical symptoms that panic and anxiety can produce. Things like shaking, pain/tightness in my chest and neck, soreness in my shoulders and ribs, lump in my throat, upset tummy, nausea, exhaustion, difficulty breathing, jittery/restlessness, funky heart beat etc. In understanding these are symptoms of panic/anxiety, I can feel more comfortable that they are not dangerous (or as dangerous as they might feel sometimes) and they're not something to worry about (as in, even if it feels like I can't breathe, I know I can). I've had quite a few diagnostic tests to check out what's going on with certain things (like my funky heart beat), and they've come back with the same thing answer - anxiety.

In saying that though, that's just my experience. I wouldn't recommend you dismiss physical symptoms if they are concerning you and/or if you have a gut feeling there is more going on. But perhaps take some comfort in knowing anxiety and panic can mess around with your body (that's not really comforting at all :S , but hope you get what I am trying to say here).

Sorry that I can't be more helpful with an answer. I can share what helps me through it if it might be helpful though.

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Former-Member SBD1 was me being lazy for not spelling the word schizoaffectivebipolar 1 disorder.
I use naming 5 things, 5 colours and 5 sounds to ground myself in the present and slowing down my breathing. It takes a while for me.
Panic and anxiety attacks are new for me.
Hi @outlander yes I would like some more coping strategies when you are free to post 1 or 2 strategies please.

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @CheerBear yes I feel those physical symptons you have mentioned. Yeah I do worry it's angina or heart disease and I've been to the hospital well? they know my name there.
I have it again today. It took me an hour to calm down. I am a little settled tonight.
Cheers for sharing

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Neelix sorry ive been buay all day. Ill write up all those strategies for you tomorrow morning. Sorry
Glad your settled tonight though
Not applicable

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Hi @Neelix, I am not sure if you hve a smart phone or not, but I use this app called smiling mind app. I find it helps settle me when my anxiety is high and when I am having panic attacks. I will say that it works most of the time. It is not the only thing I use, but it is one thing. If you put smiling mind into the app. store you can download it for free.

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

@Neelix. I used to get multiple panic attacks every week - now I only get a few every year.
I've only had 1 or 2 anxiety attacks.
My anxiety attacks occur when I haven't been able to stop worrying about an issue and I keep over thinking it. And then I let my brain build the drama to the worse case scenarios. It's awful. I actually get so tight with my muscles and my brain. During on of these attacks I need to be physical and loud. I need to stamp, stomp, jump, run, crazy dance. My adrenaline is so high - I need to release that energy. Also I have the need to scream, yell. So I put my head in a pillow and swear and yell til my voice is hoarse. And I stomp really hard or skip, jump around my house. Have to do it inside the house - too anxious to go outside.
With my panic attacks - I have to run into my backyard - as I can't breathe in my house. I never used to get chest pain. For me it was the sensation of not being able to breathe and I would die.
In this attack, I close my eyes and quickly open them again - take a quick look around and say out loud "I AM SAFE".
Then I need to concentrate 100% on my breath. I notice my breath and take a few deep breaths in ..... and out ....
I might need to do the breathing exercise for at least 5 minutes. At the same time telling myself that I am safe. That it (the panic attack) won't last long.
With a panic attack - I like to know someone is nearby me. Even reassuring me it willl be ok and helping me to focus on my breath.
With anxiety attack - because I need to screamand be very pphysical - I don't like to have anyone here & send my son to my mums or sisters - so he doesn't witness me in this state.
Not sure I have helped you. But to me - anxiety and panic attacks are two very different events. But like everything - our symptomsay differ from person to person

Re: Panic and anxiety attacks

Thank you so much @utopia for sharing your experience. It makes sense to me now. I didnt have as much 'words' as what you have to describe what was happening to me. In theory I read that panic and anxiety attacks are very different with a common thread of physical symptons. Hmmm I am not sure how I will deal with them...I need to ponder but? it has comforted me to hear your story and that the 'attacks' can be managed. I will need to find a way to manage mine. umm...not sure how I'm going to do that or its kind of oh? yep anxiety is like that for me...oh? ummm nope...jeez I'm confused...soz I'm waffling now...
Can I ask or can an anxiety attack occur of something I'm worried about like? does it happen in that moment like the day or can it well I'm dealing with trauma so? and like? the attacks are new?...I've said too much but hmm I had a point...
Jeez...anyways...cheers for sharing everyone here xox