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Re: Riding a wave

You've risen from withdrawing from the Forum and we are happy that you have. Whilst there is hope there is promise. That's enough for now @Phoenix_Rising

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @Phoenix_Rising

Have a good rest, I will watch the waves for you.


Re: Riding a wave

sittin with you @Phoenix_Rising 

Not applicable

Re: Riding a wave

Only one job right now, @Phoenix_Rising. You matter. You've got this. 🦄🐢🐱


Re: Riding a wave

Thank you to everyone on the ocean. I don't want to tag anyone because I just know I'll forget someone. 

Except @SleepyPanda - I'll tag SleepyPanda. I superly duperly love waking up to find that you were watching the ocean while I slept @SleepyPanda. Your picture always makes me feel calm and safe. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member and @Former-Member I have super big missing talking-talking feelings. They make my inside hurt. You are still right here just the same in Forum Land aren't you. 

Re: Riding a wave

Still here @Phoenix_Rising. I'm watching from the shore for you. Your talking - talking will come back in time little turtle 🐢. There are all there, in you, waiting until you are ready.
Not applicable

Re: Riding a wave

Hello @Phoenix_Rising

Yes I am still right here in forumland, and around this afternoon too 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

I know today would have been talking-talking day so it must be even harder for you to not have that today @Phoenix_Rising but your forum not-friend, aquaintances and mods are here lsitening to you and hearing your pain little turtle - and this little flutterby is still sitting on her rock stack on the beach looking out over the ocean. I want to stay in the inner sanctum of the underwatercave but for you I will continue to sit on the beach Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

Thank you @Zoe7 for coming alllllllllllllll the way up from the underwater cave, turning a sharp right and swimming the thousand miles back to the beach to get to your rock stack. Smiley Happy

@Sans911 talking-talking with the HC is never ever coming back. I super miss talking-talking. Smiley Sad

@Former-Member are you on your cactus floatie? That super really doesn't sound comfortable to me!