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Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@greenpeaperhaps if the topic gets onto your daughter tomorrow you can say something like this:

(I normally use these words to my mum)

"Mum, I understand what you are saying and respect that your opinion differs from mine. However we can discuss this all day and still have a difference of opinion, so perhaps we can talk about something else. What have you been doing lately?"

I always try and turn the conversation around and put it back onto my mother. As much as I would love to tell her where she can shove her opinion, I know that will change nothing.

I will be thinking about you tomorrow, but please remember the forum is here to support you, so perhaps you can come back on and let us know how it all went.

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@Snowie@Zoe7 Maybe I should write down those words ... she would be so pissed off if I said them though ...  I hate confrontations .... I know my daughter will be brought up again ... I feel like cancelling and hiding under my covers all day would be easier than dealing with this. I have done it in the past.

I promise myself I will never make my daughter feel like this. I tell her every day how much I love her and respect her. My mother has never said that of my daughter ... she has of my perfect child but not my daughter. 

I am just such a sad pea about it all.

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

Of course you are such a sad pea about it all @greenpea but sadly we do live in a world where difference is not always socially accepted - this I believe is changing in some spheres but there are always going to be people that don't get it... 'we cannot know what we do not know' - and some people do not want to know - that sounds like your mother GP Smiley Sad

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@greenpeashe may be pissed off, however you are not being disrespectful to her. If she continues to bring your daughter up, then you have a right to say you don't want to talk about that.

I understand confrontations are hard and I try to avoid them. If it is making you really upset then it might be wise to cancel, do what is best for you sweetie. 

That is exactly why you are a great mother, that you respect your daughter 

Hugs for greenpea Heart

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@Snowie@Zoe7 I will just say that 'I dont want to talk about it'. I can do that ...

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

As @Snowie said @greenpea we will be here for you no matter how the day goes... 

Now to the imortant things - what is your favourite colour - I need to dress you for the ocassion lol

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@Zoe7 Zoe7 my favourite colour is green *big smiles*

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

@Zoe7 Dearest Zoe7 it is pea green 

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

Pea green it shall be then @greenpea Heart

Re: very upset and disappointed real life sucks can I come back :(

I have gone a little more casual for tomorrow @greenpea ... Heart

Green GP.png