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Re: Holding the ends together

Thinking of you lots @Smc ❤❤

How is everything today 

Re: Holding the ends together

Hi @Shaz51. Thanks. Keeping a "half observant eye" on you too.

Doesn't rain, it pours... Checking the obituary notices each morning to see if details of our friend's funeral have come up yet, and I spotted another familiar name. An Uncle died on Sunday.

The notice said he went "quickly and quietly", which to be honest sounds like it was at least a gentle farewell. So, because he's a relative, my sister should be able to get compassionate leave from her job, and if so, I won't need to do the trip alone. He was our last surviving Uncle. There's a couple of Aunties still going, but neither this Uncle or the Aunties are blood relatives. All husbands/wives of Mum or Dad's siblings. Our parents are the last surviving of their families... and it seems from the newspaper notice that this Uncle was the last of his too. His two sons are now "it".

And Older Daughter is having an unsteady time at the moment too. Hospital emergency trip for "repairs" a couple of nights ago, due to having trouble with "voices". She seemed a little more settled this evening, but we can only wait and see. Sadly, the local MH team continues to be unsupportive, and treat her as if she's just "attention seeking". 😕

Feeling tired and vaguely unwell. Did a RAT this evening, so it's not the dread COVID, but bleah. I could just be plain exhausted... or it could be some other winter bug. Need to take my own advice and try to look after myself.

Re: Holding the ends together

❤️ @Smc 

Re: Holding the ends together

@Smc  ❤🙏

Re: Holding the ends together

❤❤❤❤ @Smc 

Re: Holding the ends together


Thinking of you and family.

Trust all is as well as can be with all that is going on for you. 

Re: Holding the ends together


Noticed you back online.

Have been thinking about you and family. Trust all is as it can be 🙏

Re: Holding the ends together

❤️ @Smc ……

Re: Holding the ends together

Hi @Faith-and-Hope @Determined.

Have been tired after two trips up to my parents' place in short succession, so I've been laying low.

The trips went as well as could be expected. Sister couldn't get time off, but Hubby came up with me so I wasn't alone. The first funeral for my old friend was hard. I didn't really know most of the people there except his mum and immediate family. We went to the wake, caught up briefly with his mum and siblings and met a few from their extended family. They're a welcoming lot, but we still felt a little out of place. One of my Aunties had come to the funeral but wasn't staying for the wake, so we arranged to come to visit at her house afterwards. She made the very important observation that at least our friend hadn't be denied a church funeral and been required to be buried in an out of the way corner of the cemetery as would have happened when she was younger. S** deaths need to be treated with extra compassion... so glad that people in general realise that nowadays. And the catch-up with her was good for all of us.

My Uncle's funeral was so different. He was in his 90s, the funeral was a slightly odd mixture of formal liturgical service and very informal commemoration. His son organised it, and he's a pretty laid back sort of guy... so was his Dad, so that was fitting. Bible reading was the story of Lazarus... I couldn't help imagining said Uncle sitting up in his coffin and saying "Strewth, what are you lot doing here?". Wake afterwards was also informal, a good catch up time, but a much smaller family group than I would have expected. Judging by the huge amount of food served up, smaller than they expected too. Mum's extended family have previously turned up en masse for funerals, but I guess a lot of them are getting older and less connected with each other, so the time of huge family funerals may be over? Sister and I are thinking maybe when it comes to our parents' time... cater for a small to medium crowd, and have extra packets of nice stuff on hand that can be easily stored if not needed. No sense wasting a mountain of food, but we'd want people to feel welcome to mingle and chat and remember, and food does facilitate that.

Made the second trip up with Sister and Hubby the following week. We very deliberately made it a trip for catching up with people rather than doing lots of house stuff. Lunch with a close friend... another catch up with our Auntie... a visit to our friend's Mum in her aged care home, and several visits with our parents. (Five RATS for me... one before we left, and four for the aged care visits. Definitely a COVID free week!)

It was particularly good seeing our friend's Mum. She's in a church run aged care home. She's one of those people who has spent her life cheerfully helping people out, which has included being secretary and treasurer for both the church and the aged care home. We were so pleased to see that they've given her one of their nicest rooms. Bigger than standard, with lovely views. It's about her turn to be well cared for, and it's good to see she's appreciated. She was occasionally sad, but mostly she was her usual positive self. If anyone's in a position to healthily grieve the kind of death her son had, it's her. She's a lovey and special lady.

Re: Holding the ends together

That's the recap... now the current.

I'm in considerable pain due to dental problems. Root canal. Saw the dentist yesterday, he cleaned out the tooth and treated it for infection ready for the next stages, but instead of the pain dropping off, it's gotten worse. He was trying to work out from the x-ray if the tooth in question had an extra root, but couldn't find it when he was drilling etc. The current pain probably means yes there is, but the earliest he could get me in again is Monday. Strong pain relief isn't making much impression... he's also prescribed antibiotics, so here's hoping they help make a difference. None of the above is his fault, he looked very diligently trying to find the extra root, and tried but couldn't fit me in today... but the pain's pretty bad.

Older Daughter is slightly up and down at the moment, but not too bad. Older Son has to move out of his rental property shortly, and rentals being thin on the ground, we're thinking we need to make space here in case he needs to move back home. So I'm not appreciating being too sore to do anything about that right now! Younger Son has a performance happening in the Big City on Monday which we're booked in to see, so really hoping the Monday dental appointment gets me sorted well enough to be capable of going to it.

And on top of it all, Mum's in hospital. Low blood oxygen levels, probably associated with congestion from her lymphedema, but we're not sure at the moment. Also need to be pain free if we need to make an emergency trip up their way. Yeep.