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Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

@IamNOTalone @Burnt @TideisTurning  💕💕💕💕

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

Hey @IamNOTalone,

Firstly, I just hope you know how dang strong you are--for what you went through, and for even posting here, now. It's so hard to reach out and speak out, so I'm so glad you are.

But I'm so sorry you had to experience that. It sounds truly horrendous. We were close to losing our home and the fires were super close (100m away), but nothing like your experiences. You are NOT alone. So many of us are going through these exact same feelings--but I know for men, there's a lot of stigma attached to showing emotion.

It's okay to cry. It's good to cry. And I think talking about how you're feeling--whether it's to us here, to the people who love you, or to a professional--is one of the best ways you can work through how you're feeling.

It's so easy to feel overwhelmed by all the trauma we've experienced. It wakes me up--and keeps me up--many nights.

How have you been coping with these feelings? Do you have any self-care you can do?

When I feel overwhelmed, I practise mindfulness techniques and breathing techniques, and enact my self-care plan. It might sound woo woo, but taking care of yourself is the key to resilience. But for me, gratitude also helped. Which might sound ridiculous with all the crap that's happened this year, but I found it helped. More than happy to share any of these techniques or examples with you if you like.

It's okay to not be okay, and this too shall pass ❤️

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

This is what I really like about both of your very clever usernames @YouAreNotAlone & @IamNOTalone! I feel like it's an excellent reminder that while it may sometimes feel like we're alone with experiences, we're not necessarily- while others may not have gonne through exactly the same thing, there may be many similarities between experiences that others can relate to. These forums are a testament to that and as I mentioned, I feel like your usernames are a great reminder- certainly for me every time I see them. 

TideisTurning 😊 

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

Hi @IamNOTalone, I'm so glad you've reached out Heart

My heart goes out to you for everything you've been through.

It's good that you make time - in the car, in the shower - to let out the very understandable feelings you're having. I think it's healthiest to let out emotions rather than bottling them all up.


I know you said that, being the 'man of the family,' you can't take time off work to get help - I'm wondering if there are still ways to access support without impacting your work? Our Help Centre, for instance, is open Mon-Fri 10am-10pm. Would you be open to making or scheduling a free call, maybe for after work in your car one day? Just considering possible options 🙂 

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

I thought that exact thing @TideisTurning!

Great minds think alike, I guess @IamNOTalone.

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

@TideisTurning  I just noticed the similar names- and great meataphor! 

@IamNOTalone @YouAreNotAlone  

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. I’m not sure where to go from here onwards in my life. Thank yous @Burnt  @YouAreNotAlone @Former-Member @TideisTurning @Maggie 

I got a pay rise at work, so atleast some financial struggle is helped.

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

Congratulations on your pay rise, @IamNOTalone

Is there anything else no matter how small, or how big, that’s a positive right now? 

I could write a novel on all the bad in my life currently- but I’m trying to list every day a few good! No matter how small. 

I will list a few good! 

- my husband made me breakfast today 

- I’m buying a fig tree today 

-we are about to buy some property 

- we finally have ordered all the parts we need to repair husbands car (just need the time!) 

- have finally after a month of lost car keys  I’m getting a new set of keys made

- I am getting a Christmas tree tomorrow finally after not finding one anywhere they’re all sold out!


what can you list that’s good today? 

I hope your day (I assume at work) is a good one! 

Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

Hi @Burnt 

good things for me today: 

its my day off today so hopefully I can get ahead 

I had a sleep in today 


Re: Hi... first post... struggling ..

@IamNOTalone i envy you on the sleep in!