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I struggle with harsh periods of depression. And sometimes I feel it would be better if I can talk to someone. I have a therapist but to someone I could reach out to when needed outside of therapy hours. I don't have friends in which I can communicate that with or family. Are there any possible ways or ideas I can work with?

Peer Support Worker

Re: Communication

Hey @Fun !! 

I'm sorry you've been struggling with harsh periods of depression, I can understand how isolating that experience can be if you can't speak to anyone about it. I was wondering if you've tried opening up to a friend about your mental health before? 


When family and friends aren't an option, here are some other options:

  • FriendLine - if you're feeling lonely, they're available for a chat. It's more of a general chat rather than a mental health service.
  • Listening Ear | Free Non-Crisis Helpline
  • Journalling! Writing out how I feel, almost like having a conversation with myself helps. 
  • I know you mentioned depression, but if you also get anxiety, ARCVic has some support group and counselling options too!

For talking about those dark thoughts/feelings, mental health services such as these would be great to speak to!

I'm happy to brainstorm some more ideas with you if you'd like! And also don't forget we've got SANE's counsellors you can speak with Monday-Friday 10am-8pm 1800 187 263

On this forum as well, we have the Newbie's Social Circle and other threads to hop into at any time, we're always here to chat too 💗

Re: Communication

Thank you, I'll try the above.


I can't mention this to any of the people I know. It's complicated. But I'll try the other resources.

When I'm in this period, I physically can't voice out my words, so texting helps. But my thoughts are dark and I don't want it to escalate, this is what I fear

Re: Communication

That's so fair @Fun totally understand if verbally speaking is difficult - those webchat options might be worth giving a go first then! also if you do want to give a calling service a go at some point, writing down what you want to say ahead of time might be helpful? i used to write down dot points of what i wanted to speak about before phone calls so if i ever blanked out, i can just read what i've written word for word. 

maybe lets also look at some coping tools for when those dark thoughts get heavy?

like i mentioned, journaling is a big one! writing down and realising that those thoughts are not facts/truths, their just intrusive words that pop up - this can help detach from those thoughts. 

There's also this self-help workbook, haven't tried it myself but maybe it might be useful:

Have you found grounding techniques or breathing techniques useful in calming dark thoughts?

(P.s. if you want someone to be notified that you replied to them, you can tag them using @ and typing the username like this: @Fun )