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Re: Am Not Coping

probably me ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I'll butt out โœˆ 

Deepbreaths ๐Ÿ’ฎ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’•

Re: Am Not Coping

Nothing Hon - I have had some meds again and hopefully they will start working soon - thought I was doing ok - turned on the tv - stupid song came on - absolutely floored me - so unexpected @Faith-and-Hope still shaking and freezing cold

Re: Am Not Coping

Not likely @Former-Member ..... something from the environment or another thread ......

Hey @Zoe7, just wrapping up from dinner here ..... will have iPad in hand shortly. Let's find some images of gorgeous nature or animals ...... I will look for things you might like, and you can look for me ?


Re: Am Not Coping

what do you mean @Former-Member?

Re: Am Not Coping

Oh no @Zoe7 ..... sorry to hear it ....


Re: Am Not Coping

Used to be one of my favourites - and he knew it. Sang me to sleep the night before.........

This is a tough enough week - so much happened over this week and next - I don't think I can do this - I think I am going to try to stay asleep all week - until it is over @Faith-and-Hope


Re: Am Not Coping

sorry @Faith-and-Hope It seems like I have upset lapses here. I need to go - I can't stay tonight. this is too hard. I am really sorry. take care of yourself 

love you Hon Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Please take care @Zoe7 ..... I will be around if you come back on .....


Re: Am Not Coping

@Former-Member has a sensitivity that way sometimes @Zoe7 .... please don't take it personally.  I am sure she will be back when she realises is wasn't anything to do with her ....


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Re: Am Not Coping

so easy for misunderstandings to occur here where things are written. sending hugs