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Re: Am Not Coping

Missing you @Zoe7 ...... 😔

Have you found an eighth day to Christmas ?


Re: Am Not Coping

sending you tender hugs @Zoe7 HeartHeartHeart

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope I've just posted the Eight Day To Christmas. Here are the next four days for you to post each day - than you for doing this Heart

The Ninth Day To Christmas...

Day 9.png

The Tenth Day To Christmas...

Day 10.png

The Eleventh Day To Christmas...

Day 11.png

The Twelth Day To Christmas...

Day 12.png

Re: Am Not Coping

💜💜💜 @Zoe7 ......

I love that you're here.

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope Even though I cannot be here - you are always in my thoughts Hon Heart

(GIF) 6-21-14 |❤❤ Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth.—Matt. 6:19. Jesus’ words remind us that we have a choice as to what we will pursue. The fact is, though, that we will pursue what is in our heart, what is of value to us. Referring to our material needs, Jesus assured us: “Keep on . . . seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”—Matt. 6:31-33; ❤❤

Re: Am Not Coping

Mega-hugs incoming @Zoe7 .......

I have the kids here ..... two are going away for Christmas.

I love your work with the 12 Days to Christmas. They are gorgeous ..... think I will print them off, if you're okay with that ?


Re: Am Not Coping


Watching over you in my heart @Zoe7 ..... keep safe .... 💜

Re: Am Not Coping


Morning everyone Heart


Re: Am Not Coping

Morning @oceangirl ..... 💕

Good to see you.

How are you keeping ?


Morning everyone ..... 💕


Hi @Zoe7..... 💐💚💕

Not applicable

Re: Am Not Coping

Merry Christmas @Zoe7 you did such a wonderful job of the 12 days of forumland Christmas, very thoughtful and kind, which you are. I hope you are doing what you need to do to look after yourself during this time 🙂

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