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Re: Am Not Coping

Have fun ❣️

Re: Am Not Coping

I am glad you like the twinsies in onesies @CheerBear - I thought it was funny too lol If it came in cat them we would be triplets in onesies I suppose.

I have a Giraffe (surprise, surprise) onesie and an Eeyore one as well - and a Footy one but I know you don't do sport @CheerBear so you probably wouldn't even know the team if I told you lol

@Snowie I usually get really tired by midday and definitely not capable of doing much at all by the afternoon. We are reluctant to reduce my meds just yet as they are still working on my sleep and we don't want that to change. I am less anxious during the day and they certainly are helping with my night time anxiety.

@Faith-and-Hope You will be with us in spirit Hon - as always Heart

Where is our @greenpea?

Re: Am Not Coping

@CheerBearwhat do your LF think when you wear your onsie? I think my Miss would tell me not to wear that when her friends are around!!

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope @Snowie @CheerBear This is what Toby and I would look like together in our onesies lol

Panda Onesies.png

Re: Am Not Coping

I know sport, I just don't do sport @Zoe7 😛 yay for onesies!

I guess my fish don't know much different to having a mum who is a bit of an oddball @Snowie 😄 I wouldn't wear it to school pick up and drop off (though one asked me to for PJ day and I might) but I have worn it to the supermarket. And I wore it to meet up with a he kind of person once. He asked me to go over and I said I didn't want to get out of my Pj's so that was the compromise haha.

Looking forward to seeing you and Toby twinning @Zoe7!

I have popcorn and a show I want to catch up on so I'm going to say goodnight here I think.

Hope you all have a good night 💗

Re: Am Not Coping

I think I need a onsie Smiley Sad


Re: Am Not Coping

Matching onesies @Zoe7. That's classic. Wish we could see photos

Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight @CheerBear Smiley Very Happy

Ahhh @Zoe7 the triangle of doom!!

Re: Am Not Coping

Goodnight @CheerBear so lovely to have you cross the rainbow path to visit in TOR today Heart

@Snowie you definitely need a onesie - they are so comfortable to keep warm in winter - especially in Tassie. 

@utopia I already had a panda onesie myself then I saw the little costume for Toby and couldn't resist!

Do you have a onesie?

Senior Contributor

Re: Am Not Coping

.. that’s not a cat .. this is cat .. @Faith-and-Hope .. yeah ok loose croc dundee ref lol hope you’re okay