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Re: why why why

Hi batguano I actually picked it from ancient japanese samurai he was quite reknowed for his skill, strength and ability to hide. But yes from green hornet lol

I have come to the conclusion that I will have to make contact with a local hospital and see how to go about seeking help from their psychiatric people

Haha you take care aalso
Senior Contributor

Re: why why why

Oh before I forget the drug use was when I was a teen and was marijuana I havent touched that in maybe 15 years. But I did progress to party drugs which I still dabble with probably shouldn't but sometimes they seem to help.

Re: why why why

Your read much calmer now Kato.

Very interesting and valuable information from BatGuano for you (and me if I ever need it).

i didn't get locked up (in hospital, or jail) during my 9 month episode. Much to my pyschiatrist's surprise.

I suppose I was lucky. Or maybe not. If I had been 'caught' earlier in the episode I may have got the help i needed. As it was, the mania just petered out.

I think you are lucky to have a "lovely wife." Your mania must be tough for her to understand.

My (ex)girlfriend of 8 years took out a Domestic Violence Order on me. I guess she was frightened. Crazy as I was though, I think my core values and deep nature weren't affected.

A DVO is such a loaded instrument. I never, and would never use physical violence. My illness just gave me the courage(?) to tell her that I thought she wasn't a very nice person. I will admit that I did it too regularly and with too much colourful language,  but she did end up proving to me that I was right.

Keep well.


Senior Contributor

Re: why why why

Lol yes john alot calmer today I spiked yesterday crashed out at 5am slept heavy tho woke up on a plateau still slightly up but def calmer I online chat on lifeline the poor consulting person had no idea what to say to me lmao yes batgauno gave some very interesting info there

I am lucky my wife didn't throw me out and have me locked up with my latest episode she is now struggling with how into help I am except I get side tracked and focus on the one thing not a few more important things

Re: why why why

Well NATO I am wondering how would you think about sussing out a PARC, Prevention And Recovery Centre? I think to be elected gible you would need to be working ng on managing your mental health, either with clinical services via your local Area Mental Health Service as a public patient, or working with a private psychiatrist. Or with your local Community Mental Health Service.

Just thinking that maybe some great resources are available that will assist you and take some of the burden off your wife. I am sure she must be worried.

Here are some of the fun stuff you might be able tap into, usually peer led programs in community mental health likr: PeerZone, Partners in Recovery, Pathways to Recovery, and all sorts of other programs which may be under D2DL funding or phams or in Vic, mhcss..

Seems you are keen to try something new. Also check for community based groups like Grow, no referral required and ditto for voices groups..

Re: why why why

Hi Kato,

I'm wonderng if your wife might find the carer's forum helpful?

Kind regards,


Re: why why why

Hey Sandy,


thanks for all your ideas and suggestions i have decided to slow down my incessant research my lovely wife is finding my bouncing and lack of focus worrying, tomorrow i speak to my GP and get a referal to a community house to hopeflly meet the new magic man/woman who will assist me in managing my health, i will still be coming on here because it is amazing having similar stories shared, oh i don't know about anyone else but i am early 30's Male and i cannot handle seeing male dr's/psychologists/psychiatrists anyone else have that too, ie. your a woman who can only deal with male etc etc

thanks heaps sandy

your The Best 🙂

Drug abuse and mental illness

Hi Kato,

So very glad to hear you're getting things together.  I'm of the opinion that recreationals can be harmful, but their role is somewhat exaggerated.

'Drug-crazed lunatic' makes such a good headline.  The blame goes back to the victim twice, first for being insane (only bad lazy weak people go insane), and then for using illegals which means they're a criminal.  *Big Sigh*


Senior Contributor

Re: why why why

Hi Kristin,
My wife has MI as well so technically we are both carers we just take it in turn when the other is struggling. She is a little bit in deniel at the moment but I am also acting completely different from other times so she is concerned that worse is coming, it doesn't matter that I reassure her I am different this time she is still worried. We are telling my parents tonight the situation so should be fun

Re: why why why

Hey Kato, you're. The best. Coz. You're the one doing the work! And also your wife,
In some community mental health services you can request to have a female worker or a male worker, but that largely sometimes depends on staff availability as well.
I would love to believe they are magic people, but I am also mindful that it's not healthy to put too much emphasis on another person, the expert should be on tap, not on top...
Let us know how you go, and be patient with yourself and everyone is going to get better, but it will take time, practice and persistence! But worth doing!