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Re: Daily Achievements!

Thanks for sharing @Judi9877 ! You've accomplished so much!

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Th0ughtlessss as @TAB said, dishes is a big thing. It is time consuming and draining I have a dishwasher that was given to me several years ago when my kitchen drains were blocked and I couldn't afford a plumber. The dishwasher drains out the window lol! The drains are now fixed but it is much easier to load the dishwasher than stand and do dishes. I have never liked doing dishes!

Tabby, I had a flatmate in my 20's who was probably the laziest girl I have ever met. I remember one friend of mine coming over one day when flatmate was washing the dishes. My friend said "Oh, I didn't recognize you there, you're doing some housework!" This same girl used to hide dirty dishes in the cupboards and oven when she had friends come over. 


I struggle to get the housework done but my kitchen has to be clean and free of clutter. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

guilty as charged re hiding dirty dishes etc @ENKELI  dishwashers are just Wrong tho , lots chemicals and water. i soak days worth of plates and cutlery in sink  then when hot water going wash and rinse a few at a time lol. ok theres lots of run off, if water is warm already I try and make the most of it

Re: Daily Achievements!

Good morning @Shaz51. I hope you have had a pleasant week 😊 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Shaz51 I just read your post about the  40k winds you were getting and you 60km round trip.

FNQ don’t usually get high winds unless there’s a cyclone 🌀 coming at you?

WA the home to the Roaring 40s. Westerly wind is currently 38kmph with gusts 💨 60kmph. 
Natures air con 😆



Re: Daily Achievements!

Good evening @Glisten @Mustang67 @TAB @ENKELI @tyme @Shaz51 and all forumites here. Great work on your achievements!


Today, I achieved the following:

-woke up and got out of bed 

- Fed my cat and gave her meds

- Sewed up a knitted kids jumper which I had been putting off (I dislike doing the necks of jumpers as I struggle with this part of knitting jumpers!)

- Completed a baby beanie for Ambulance Victoria 

- Watched the Carlton vs St Kilda match on TV

- Read some more of the Sullivans Crossing ebook 

- checked out Facebook 

- Watched an episode of the Block on my phone 

- Took photos of my cat, Mitz, on my bed and listened to her purr which hopefully means she’s getting better

- Purchased pizza for dinner for my housemate and myself as a thank you for her cleaning the dishes.


That’s all for me. Keep up the great work!

Take care and stay safe!



Re: Daily Achievements!

Hi @Judi9877 


Wow you achieved a lot. Good on you and well done. 😊


Yesterday I managed to shower myself and brush my teeth.  I even blow dried my hair, which I haven't done in over a year.


I then picked up my daughter and visited a friend for the 2nd time within the last 7 years. And I am so glad that my depression stayed away, and allowed me to go through with the visit. I have cancelled on her so many times.


We stayed for 7 hours and play Uno NO Mercy with the kids and played with her new puppy.


I had an absolute ball, and it made me realise how much I miss my friend.


When I was at my lowest, I pushed everyone away. But this one would always be there for me, even when I wouldn't respond to messages at time. We met at playgroup when our daughters were about 6 months old. And our daughters are now 15.


I was planning on coming home around 2pm and doing the dishes and putting some washing on, but we were all enjoying ourselves so much, I decided that I deserved some quality time with my friend. And I enjoyed watching my daughter have a good time as well. 


So for me, this day was massive. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67 @Judi9877 @TAB @ENKELI @tyme 

Last Thursday was a first for me.

I sent an email and I didn’t even care if the fonts were matching.

I had been stewing over my response to my lawyer and paralegal because they had missed what I considered crucial information.

Normally I a perfectionist about layout and fonts. I was cut copy and pasting data from my Notes in my iPhone.

This time I didn’t care.

Told them what I needed, gave them the facts, didn’t care about layout or the size of the font and sent it.

No perfectionism.

I feel like taking a bow to my inner applause 👏🏼 

😀 G


Re: Daily Achievements!

Hi @Glisten, well done you.


I worked for lawyers for over 20 years and I obviously love the fact that you used different fonts etc. As most of them like everything composed properly. 


After getting sacked for taking too much time off work, while I was trying to deal and recover from DV issues and having to find a new place to live etc, I no longer have the respect for lawyers like I used to.


And they rip people off, the way they bill for every little thing, and I have seen them charge for the same service in two different ways. 


So good on you. And watch them like a Hawk. And if you talk to anyone from the lawyers office, take detailed notes of your conversation, including date, time and who you spoke to.


And ask them to send you a detailed invoice and then go through it with a fine tooth combe and query anything that you recall happening.


I know having to deal with lawyers etc can be very stressful, so I hope it goes well for you. 



I thought I would send you a rose to brighten your day. 


Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67 twice I have found invoice errors.

I hate to think about what happens to people that are so distressed that they hand over money without checking.

If it wasn’t for medication I wouldn’t have made it this far.