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Re: The magic of tidying



I went and asked hubby about just getting enough paint for that corner but he said no!

Re: The magic of tidying

Good luck with getting the air-conditioning installed @Oaktree .

My big tidying blitz finished earlier this week.  I didn't really succeed but cleared passageways before an eye op that I was nervous about. It went OK. Now I'll have to get  back to chipping away at tidying and decluttering longer term. 

Re: The magic of tidying



Thanks so much!

Aircon installer comes tomorrow between 12 and 3pm.

I cleaned off the table today. Did some weeding so the guy could get to the meter box. Then I cooked cauliflower cheese for the first time ever. It turned out great. I am looking forward to the aircon tomorrow.

Re: The magic of tidying

Well done @Oaktree .


Re: The magic of tidying



Clearing passageways sounds great. You are doing great. Glad the eye op went alright. That’s a worry to need something done to your eye. Hubby had cataracts removed from both eyes and I was anxious that something would go wrong. It all turned out fine and I worried for nothing. I am worried about the installer coming tomorrow as the house isn’t that clean and I am worried about judgement 

Re: The magic of tidying

@Dimity @Glisten @TAB @Shaz51 @Appleblossom 


I thought seriously about buying the card game, getting lost decluttering edition today. The problem I ran into is that I have to buy it online and wait for it to come. Then it’s just one more thing to find a home for lol. I thought maybe I could turn decluttering into a game. You get cards that tell you where in the house to go, then other cards to tell you what to do. You pull a card from each pile and get to work. Sounds great

Re: The magic of tidying

Try not to worry @Oaktree they're just there to do the job and I know the effort you've put into reorganising and cleaning the space the a/c will go.

Thanks. Mine was a cataract op too but I was worried because I only have one working eye. I'm really relieved it's over.

Was the cauli home grown?

Re: The magic of tidying



No my home grown cauli is only just forming so I bought this one. Yes cataract surgery is definitely anxiety inducing. Glad it all went well.

Re: The magic of tidying

@Oaktree I just googled the card game and it sounds great but $25.95. 

Maybe we could design our own? Or set ourselves a weekly challenge? 

Re: The magic of tidying



That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we could try setting a group challenge. Then we could all report back to the group as to how we went