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Re: Best Friends Club


I am haemochromatosis carrier ,, my levels are very high but unable to give blood like my cousins who have haemachromotosis and give blood every 3 months which helps 

Keep us updated my friend 🧡 


@ENKELI , @Oaktree , @rav3n , @Jynx 

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELIretiisi ystäväni 🤗 I first saw Peter Davidson in All Creatures Great and Small. I thought he was quite good in that and as the Dr.

You totes got ripped off by Mom. You should write to Peter Davidson telling him the story and ask for him to sign something?

Or we steal your bro’s book 📖 I got a full tank of fuel. We ride at dawn.

I have had throbbing headache all day.

Sleep deprivation and dehydration I think.

I just picked a bucket of citrus fruits and juiced half and drank it. About a litre and a half.

It’s going to be a very early night for me 😴


Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks for the information plus the support my friends.

not knowing definitely is the worst thing.  
can’t remember the count. Outcome of every blood test says mild neutropenia.

Last couple of years I’ve been healthier than had been for long, long time.

tired of being ‘hit’ by something, get on top of that and get ‘hit’ again.


Feeling exhausted.

early dinner for the cats and bed for the 3 of us

Re: Best Friends Club

Hugs @Patches59 🥰

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 @Oaktree @Patches59 @ENKELI @rav3n my butt cheeks hurt and my shoulders.

I’m going to sleep. Ni night G

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten hope you got a good sleep 😴 

Much love ❤️ 


hyvää päivää

(Have a good day)

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten bro lives with me so not too far to go! I think however mum has the book. She's only 10 minutes away so still doable.

I'll provide snacks. Jelly babies. 😀



Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI I was already asleep by the time you posted 😂

Woke up at 4:30am. Headache was still there but not as bad.

Had my first and only coffee for today, headache gone.

I think the headache was from the coffee Chill I pounded all day Monday, had 0 yesterday and then BOOM 💥 🤯 headache.

I hope that bro of yours is pulling his weight, keeping your kitchen clean and contributing to the expenses?

Oh so your mom said she got Peter Davison’s autograph for your bro. But really it was for her 😆

I’ve got to do some online stuff.

Haul some Billy Bookcase shells upstairs to make a Window Day Bed. Pack the car for the Shed.

What are you doing today my little Retiisi ? HUGS 🫂 


Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten ha ha ha love that news post!!


I am heading in to volunteer at bro's workplace. His boss keeps asking when I'm coming in so I figured to stop them nagging I'll do a few hours and see how I go.

Non toof is still hurting, I see my dentist next week and I'll find out then how much it's going to cost. I am praying it won't cost much otherwise I will have to learn to live with the pain. I don't like pain very much.


Enjoy your day, are you going to Jlup shed or a local one?

Re: Best Friends Club

hello to all my awesome friends @rav3n , @Patches59 , @Glisten , @Oaktree , @ENKELI , @Owlunar2 , @Jynx , @Asgard , @Ainjoule , @tyme , @Healandlove , @Krishna , @Jacques , @Adge , @tyme , @Ru-bee , @Spirit_Healer 

