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Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Definitely the waterslide @Phoenix_Rising... race you to the top!

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

@Former-Member do you want to come on the waterslide with @Shaz51 @Queenie and me? 

@Queenie ok, I'll race you to the top. {Phoenix_Rising jumps onto the jumping castle, does an extra giant bounce and lands at the top of the waterslide just as Queenie starts to climb up the stairs}. Smiley Very Happy

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Waiting, waiting, waiting... Wow @Queenie, you sure do take a while to get to the top of a waterslide. I'm going to go down it and then bounce back up to the top from the jumping castle. I wonder how many times I can do that before you finally arrive at the top! 

And where is @CheerBear? Hey not-friend, I was not here at your not-party for your not-birthday earlier... but I am now...but you are not. Smiley Very Happy

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Oi @Phoenix_Rising! That's cheating!! Smiley LOL

Could you imagine this monarch riding down a waterslide with my crown and sceptre? 

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

@Queenie It's not cheating, it's called working smarter, not harder. Smiley LOL

I think I will HAVE to imagine you flying down the waterslide because this seems to be one of those rare occasions where google images is failing me. Smiley Happy

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

I flew up @Phoenix_Rising Smiley Very Happy

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

@Queenie do you get the feeling we have this party to ourselves tonight? That is my favourite type of party - the type with no people. Smiley LOL

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

@Shaz51 Of course you did! Smiley LOL


Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

ye ahhhhh down I go @Phoenix_Rising and splash xxxxx

Re: CheerBear's not-Birthday

Could we open all @CheerBear's presents on her @Phoenix_Rising? We could see what lovely things we could sneak away from the party... muhahaha!