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Does anyone want to talk

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hahaha @tyme I feel your pain lol I usually do not hear it either but it was very annoying this afternoon. I fell asleep on the couch and the fish tank is only a few metres away. I do usually have the tv on for background noise but did not this afternoon so the filter was very loud. Probably a bit over sensitive this afternoon too - have not had any pain relief today - trying to get through without it. Not sure that is going to last all night but have made it this far so that is a win.


@ArraDreaming I think I will be following you to an early bed as well - no kids to wear me out but old age is catching up to me 🤣

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Same @Zoe7 about old age… in about 8 hours I can say I’ll be 30 next year… 😅

Re: Does anyone want to talk

hahaha @ArraDreaming I had the best two months of my life when I turned 30 ....then the slide began LOL Not really - I went back to study and then began teaching so it was a massive change in my life. I am so glad I did that though as I am where I am now and can say I am happy (most of the time). Some days/weeks are hard but it is those other times when the kids bring so much joy into our lives that everything else doesn't matter. You have your babies for that also so soak up every moment.

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@Zoe7 a few people have told me to go into teaching… I’m not smart enough though to do the uni course let alone pass the exam and teach kids but it does like a good career choice

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I hope for your sake you are negative @tyme so you can out tonight and enjoy yourself

Re: Does anyone want to talk

"Not smart enough".....hrm @ArraDreaming Sorry, doesn't cut it lol.. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

You will laugh at this @tyme mrsjay5 was standing in the bathroom looking inside my mouth (yeah that’s disgusting but like it’s hard to see your own tonsils) and our kid goes “ that’s LITERALLY the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life, like my entire life… gross… “

emphasis on the pointless use of the word literally

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I have to disagree with you @ArraDreaming I absolutely know you are smart enough. The best teachers (in my opinion) are those that can connect with the kids and have life experience to back up what is taught. So much of the curriculum for teaching degree is 'fluff' - it does not actually equip you with the knowledge or experience to work within the profession. You do not need to know 1000 studies on what is the 'right' way to teach - and they change all the time. What you do need is a desire to make a difference, treat every single little human as an individual and have the courage to not stick with the 'research of the day' when you can see a different strategy would work for your kids. I have many, many 'disagreements' with the powers that be on such things and will ALWAYS do what is best for my kids - sometimes I have to bow down and try their approach first but when that fails I can show the best way for a particular student - there is never a one size fits all as you would know - and it is people like you that have lived that approach that we need in the profession to make a difference ❤️

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Thanks @Zoe7 what a beautiful thing to say
@tyme I guess I just mean there’s a criteria to get in and all that and I don’t believe I would make the cut
I didn’t finish school, I did a 3 year TAFE course that took me almost 5 which was mostly me just copying what other people did lol and I do really have the memory of a carrot

Re: Does anyone want to talk

lol... and his 5 years??? @ArraDreaming 

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