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Re: Far and Away

Got up and into painting assignments this morning @Zoe7 ….

Need to keep getting things done cos legals are hotting up again and I need to reduce the conflict of interest.


I’m so glad you got some more sleep Hon.  You’re sounding chirpier today 😏


@Former-Member @Snowie @Shaz51 @Eve7 

Re: Far and Away

Afternoon @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Eve7 @greenpea @Appleblossom and anyone else around.

Hoping today has been kind to you all


Re: Far and Away

Hi @Snowie  👋💞

Re: Far and Away

pjc1965 Hi faith and hope. Feeling so lousy. 

Re: Far and Away

Is this the chat about my brain feeling so lousy. I have highs and now I'm on a real low. All afternoon. Where do I read a reply? pjc1965 

Re: Far and Away

You can post anywhere @pjc1965 . People will respond when they read your post.


I'm here if you want a chat.

Re: Far and Away

What's been happening for you today that's making you feel so lousy? @pjc1965 ?

Re: Far and Away

Feeling better today @Faith-and-Hope My finger is finally starting to heal - only minimal pain and swelling now and I can use it again without the slightest touch hurting. The constant fatigue has improved also so whatever bug I had last week seems to have gone. I am still taking it easy but have gotten a bit of work done today. I am going to do a little more soon and then head to bed early.


I hope those painting assignments are giving you some joy Hon. Sending you all my love and strength to get through the legals 💖💖💖

Re: Far and Away

Hey @Snowie thanks for the tag.  Have not been over here on this thread for a while.

@Zoe7 Sorry about finger

@Faith-and-Hope Sorry about hotted up legals.


Life is full of curved balls, I guess.


@pjc1965 Hey. Seen you posting around the forum. Sorry you are feeling cr*p. This thread was begun a LONG time ago when @Faith-and-Hope went on a trip ... real ... not metaphorical ... so far and away.


Getting the hang of the forum can take a while.  If you post on your own threads sometimes nobody notices, but I found it has been worth perservering and that most people mean well.


Not applicable

Re: Far and Away

Hi @pjc1965 it took me a while to learn how to use the forums as well.. in fact I'm still learning.

Quite challenging and frustrating when you are feeling low. Welcome anyways and I hope things pick up for you.