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Re: Secret Party Planning...

Sorry @Zoe7, I probably shouldn't have said anything :S I'm bit concerned that maybe this person doesn't want a big public party, which is why I think it's worth waiting for a bit.

Speaking of concerns, I am seriously concerned about how to work out peace elephant gatsby themed food...

Heading off for a bit. In a rain storm, right at pick up time! Back later (with food!) 🙂

Re: Secret Party Planning...

I get it @CheerBear - no more explanation necessary Heart

I am still thinking about our theme for Rockpool as well - have to get back to you on that one too CB Heart

Catch ya later Smiley Very Happy

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Good afternoon @Former-Member I know you are hiding in the background - haven't 'seen' you for a while. I thought you may infact still be trying to ride your special jet propelled bike in the underwater cave OR I just haven't been around much (more likely the latter I would summise lol How ya doing?

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Ohhhhh @Zoe7

the 27th september  is utopia birthday

and the 1st october is Tab

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Oh dear @Shaz51 - it is going to be a busy few weeks then. Better dust off my rollerskates - might need them to whip around and get things organised lol

Re: Secret Party Planning...

@Zoe7@CheerBear Damn the vacuum cleaner is broken AGAIN. Good help is soooooooo hard to find. Guess it's up to fur baby . Ho Hum!!!!!

Re: Secret Party Planning...

You are soooooooo funny @Maggie ROFL here - your fur baby is going to have to go on a diet soon to be able to continue to do the job that - uh hum - you and the vacuum cleaner should be doing lol

Re: Secret Party Planning...

😂 @Maggie

Re: Secret Party Planning...

I'm going to leave these on the bench of SPP HQ for tomorrow @Zoe7. I had no idea how much of not-a-thing bubbles and play dough party food was! All of a sudden Gatsby peace elephants are looking easy 😛



So we have bubbles cake pops, bubbles and play dough cookies, playdough and bubble cupcakes, and cupcakes in glasses of 'bubbles'. Hope that helps as far as catering goes 🙂


I will try to 'pop' past tomorrow and say Happy Birthday to bubbles, but won't be able to be around to celebrate much 🙂

Re: Secret Party Planning...

Haven't seen the images yet @CheerBear but if they are even half as awesome as your description then they will be something to see Smiley Very Happy

I know tomorrow is all day LF day so enjoy that CB (btw - I love that you have a whole day each week just for you and your LF - awesome parenting right there CB Smiley Very Happy)

Hopefully I will catch you (even if it is briefly) tomorrow - after all - a day without CB isn't a real day Heart

Night buddy Smiley LOL