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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

It’s nothing fancy @Ru-bee but coming from the country it’s all nice. 

If I can get down there I’ll take a photo and show you. 

I will also try and get up and watch the sunrise most mornings. 

I’m really cold and tired. 

Im still waiting for my timetable to be delivered too. Not knowing what is happening is not helping with my anxiety. 

How was your uncle?

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah I bet you'll feel a bit better once you know what your itinerary is, that uncertainty can be hard @Captain24 


Watching the sunrise sounds like a lovely idea!


Seeing my uncle was great, thank you for asking. He's really lovely and has lots of energy, but he's someone who talks a lot and doesn't ask too many questions, luckily I am pretty content listening, and his life in Japan is very interesting to hear about so it suited me just fine 😊

Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad it was good @Ru-bee. Sounds like he kept you captivated.


I have my itinerary and the psych that delivered it notice that I wasn’t ok so we just sat out in the dining room attempting a jig saw puzzle. She has been awesome.



Re: I can’t cope

I'm so happy to hear @Captain24. How are you feeling about it all now?

Re: I can’t cope

I’m still really anxious @Ru-bee.


Im sitting in my room on my own… it’s different not smoking. It helped make friends. 

I have met 2 ladies that are in my group. One was in my group last time and was pretty full on.. 


More of my group will arrive tomorrow. I hope I can get some leave. 

Re: I can’t cope

Off to a great start. 2 of my meds weren’t charted. 

Also.. we had pet therapy today! 

Dad’s got complications from his surgery so he needs another operation. He last emergency surgery took 3 days so who knows how long this will take 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24!! Good to hear you're settling in! Ooooh pet therapy that's awesome!! Tell me more! Was it puppies? Kittens? Ferrets? Owls? Hehe

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Jynx 


How was your time away? 


Im struggling with being here. Im questioning what I have done, but it’s too late I'm here. 

Nah it was just a dog. But he was still cute and his name was Michael! 


Re: I can’t cope

Was super nice, thanks for asking @Captain24! Was good to see dad doing a bit better, and got to spend some time with my nephew! Went to the beach almost every day too, my nephew loves throwing big rocks into the beach creeks, just to see the splash! And we saw an octopus!! 


Aye I reckon it's normal to have second thoughts! Perhaps in moments of doubt, you can remind yourself of how helpful the last time was! I imagine once you've got yourself into a bit of a routine, it'll get easier. How long you there for this time? 


Haha I love it when pets have super human names! Michael, classic 😍🐶  

Re: I can’t cope

Is your dad not well? @Jynx. How old is your nephew? Is this the one that thinks you’re the super cool aunt? Sorry.. knows you’re super cool! 

I had one of the psychs work with me for a bit to calm me down today. She was lovely. I have a full free day tomorrow. One of the ladies that was in my group

last time is doing this group with me.
Which is nice but she was super super annoying! 


Im here for 3 weeks.

I’ve seen a couple of staff I know but not many. I guess the next few days I may see more. I’m hoping that my favourite is still here. 

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