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Question on Side-effects

I recently had a psychiatrist at the local hospital's assessment centre prescribe me <low-dose anti-psychotic>


I was wondering if there is anyone here who is familiar with it or knows if hand tremors are a known side effect.


Ever since starting it, my hands and sometimes forearms have been shaking when attempting to do something.


If they are at rest, or I'm not doing something specific, they're fine, but the moment I try to do anything that involves fine motor control, they're jumping all over the place.


I'll be seeing my (new) regular psychiatrist tomorrow, but thought I might see if anyone here was familiar with it.

Not applicable

Re: Question on Side-effects


The CMI (consumer medical information) for any drug is readily available on line or available from the pharmacy which dispensed the medication. This gives a list of possible side effects and things you need to watch for.


In addition the prescribing doctor should have explained to you the expected benefits and major side effects of the medication.


Here is the link to search for the CMI:

Re: Question on Side-effects

Thank you @Former-Member


Unfortunately, neither the Product Information nor Consumer Medical Information mention tremors as a side effect (I'm already familiar with the ARTG)


So far I have also not found psychiatrists overly forthcoming with possible side effects (with both my former psychiatrist and the hospital psychiatrist providing little to no details with the exception of "It will make you drowsy" in the case of this particular medication). Here's hoping my new regular psychiatrist is a little more detail-oriented.

Not applicable

Re: Question on Side-effects


Hearing you there, I support my husband with his mental health and other medical issues and I am very much proactive in asking any doctor (including pdocs) how the expected benefit will outweigh the potential side effects. 

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  my husband had a tremor for many years with one drug. Only on the right side. He had to take another medication that helped for the tremor. He even went to a neurologist for answers. It wasn't until years later when he changed medication that the penny dropped that it was the cause. ☹️ 

Re: Question on Side-effects

I don't knoe what medication you're on but I've had a few odd things from various meds. One I got servere.. I don't even know what to call it, kind of restless leg I guess but 24-7 just needed to move, physically could t sit still and then another I had myoclonoc jerks all over my body

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  Yep hand tremors are a biggie for me. I am going to see a neurologist soon and am bringing it up with pdoc as they are getting worse. It is the pits and is a common side effect.

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  ps: the pdoc can give you medication to help with the tremors 🙂

Re: Question on Side-effects

I don't know if my GP would approve of yet another medication.

I'm already on 6 different oral medications and we only recently got my LFT back to normal levels. Not sure my liver would cope too well with a 7th.

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  I know it is scary. Maybe your pdoc could change your meds to stop the tremor. Try not to worry about it too much. Just make sure you let the doctors know what is happening as in my own experience the tremors get worse not better.