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Re: Question on Side-effects

So, (assuming 'pdoc' is shorthand for psychiatrist) my regular pdoc today said the hospital pdoc was hasty in prescribing the anti-psychotic, has advised to instead slow/stop it over the week and has instead started me on a mood stabiliser.

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  I am on both. What I found was that it took ages to get the meds right .... months and yes I had to go to a private pdoc (psychiatrist) to do that and it was worth all the money as he was wonderful.

Re: Question on Side-effects

@AbeforeApril  Unfortunately I have found there are no short cuts with this. It all takes time but then again we are all different I hope your issues get settled quickly for you.

Re: Question on Side-effects

Hi @AbeforeApril  and welcome to the forums.  It's good that you've reached out here.  I had severe hand tremors that worsened steadily over a few years and were really debilitating towards the end of that time.  I couldn't even put my pin in on an eftpos or atm machine.  The psychiatrist that I had then always said it wasn't from my meds (even tho it was mentioned in the info the chemist gave me).  Then I got a new psychiatrist when I moved interstate and she immediately took me off one antipsychotic and put me on another one.  My hand tremors stopped within a few weeks of the change.  It was such a blessed relief.  So hold out hope that your new med and getting off the other one proves successful.

FYI any time you get a new med, if the psychiatrist doesn't tell you enough about it (and even if they do)  you can always ask the chemist to give you the print out of the info on it when you get your script filled.  That's what I do.