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Re: Riding a wave

Yay, we can all be disrespectful and offensive together!!!!! Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

Do I get a vote on that @Phoenix_Rising - I can handle one little disresepctful and offensive turtle - BUT 3 - that might seriously do my head in Smiley LOL

Re: Riding a wave

Hehehe ...... 😊

Re: Riding a wave

@Zoe7 wrote:

@Phoenix_Rising Thinking of you little turtle Smiley Sad 

Here's a soft place for you to land today and hide away (I did let CB in - hope that is ok - but no-one else is allowed unless you invite them Smiley Happy)

Secret Cave.png

Good night @CheerBear. I know you are here even when you're not. I super super super love the snuggly safe space that @Zoe7 made for us. Only one more sleep and the weekend will be over. I will feel much better supported once the working week starts and I know I can "reach out" for support...albeit in a somewhat selective way until the BMs have had some TTT. Smiley Happy

Re: Riding a wave

Good night @Phoenix_Rising

(I'm keeping with the conversational skills tonight 😉 )

Re: Riding a wave

Night night little turtle - thanks for the laughs tonight @Phoenix_Rising (sorry - gonna do it Heart)

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear One for you too CB Heart

Re: Riding a wave

Awwwwwww smacked in the head with a love heart again! Such disrespectful and offensive behaviour from that pesky flutterby @Zoe7. Smiley Very Happy

Re: Riding a wave

@Phoenix_Rising ROFL Smiley Very Happy

Re: Riding a wave

Good morning @Phoenix_Rising and @Zoe7 (and anyone else reading).

I've been sitting at DBT HQ where I think I fell asleep last night. I'm really hoping I'll get to post today, however I have a feeling it will depend on what happens here with the house so I'm planning on playing it by ear. I know you understand (you said you did and I trust you would anyway). I'm also thinking this is a great time to be setting off on this adventure and am very much looking forward to going on it together but not.

I hope the morning is ok enough for you (all). It's Turtle Whisperer eve Phoenix_Rising.

Catch you later 🙂