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25 Jan 2018 09:39 PM
25 Jan 2018 09:39 PM
25 Jan 2018 09:46 PM
25 Jan 2018 09:46 PM
Thank YOU @CheerBear for sharing. I really like the idea of adding "read that thread" to your get through box - I hope it is helpful for you.
I will stop tagging you now, so that you can spend some time with your hook and yarn and hopefully get some rest.
Night 🙂
26 Jan 2018 08:10 AM
26 Jan 2018 08:10 AM
26 Jan 2018 10:58 AM
26 Jan 2018 10:58 AM
Hi @CheerBear,
My day has dawned brighter too. How awesome is it that we don't live on Venus where we would have to wait 5832 hours for a new day!!!!
I am a bazillion times calmer now that a plan B is in progress for dealing with the super wrong wrong in my world.
I super hope you are able to get support to stay inside your window rather than being pushed out of it CheerBear. TTT proves that there are helping people out there who get it. And it isn't just her, all the psychologists in the practice are like that - mostly because they are employees of the practice owner who definitely understands this stuff (even if she hasn't got around to teaching it to her practice manager!!!). So that means there is definitely more than one psychologist out there who gets it. You know what you should do? You should stake out one of Bessel Van de Kolk's conferences and interview all the mental health professionals as they leave, to try and find one who understands windows. Methinks those who pay a fortune to hear him speak are likely to be good candidates for understanding the importance of staying inside windows!
I can definitely see how having TTT help me stay inside my window will make my window get bigger. Constantly being pushed out of the window makes the window shrink. I really don't get how hard that is for people to understand...but apparently it is!
I'm super glad that I am with you and the LF today, CheerBear. I love that you only had to wait two minutes to see me.
I am not going to be around here today either. I am playing with data again. I only popped in to see how you were travelling and to let you know my day is brighter. Here's hoping for a bus-free long weekend CheerBear. I'll see you when I see you...which I guess will be whenever you next open your handbag. We've so got this!!!
26 Jan 2018 06:08 PM
26 Jan 2018 06:08 PM
26 Jan 2018 09:15 PM
26 Jan 2018 09:15 PM
Good evening @CheerBear,
My day has been nice and peaceful as I've mostly spent it in a state of flow playing with data. Yay for flow!!!
Every now and again I have been getting giant panicky waves related to the super wrong wrong. It caused me to reflect on how much this stuff is stored in our body. In my thinking brain I feel much better now that there is a plan B, but I can still super feel the yuck feelings that plan A triggered in my body and it hurts. Thus I have spent a bit of time under my weighted blanket today and cuddling turtle and rocking and doing all those things that help icky body feelings feel better. Methinks you understand icky body feelings that come from being squished by buses.
Going to the Bahamas to find a helpful helping person and to ask Bessel ven der Kolk to be a guest at Topic Tuesday sounds like a super plan to me @CheerBear!!!! We should definitely do that.
Do you have any thoughts about why a change in diagnosis seems like such a big bus for you, CheerBear? I had this conversation with TTT the other day when we were talking about the whole BPD vs c-PTSD thing. Even though we agreed that they are one and the same thing and that c-PTSD is a preferable name for it, I recognise that having BPD is part of my identity and it would definitely bug me if someone tried to rebrand it as c-PTSD. I can see how irrational that is, given that, as I said, I am firmly in the camp that believes they are just different names for the same thing. I guess that's what comes from having worn a label for your entire adult life, hey!
I agree that it super feels like Saturday - which is really weird given that every day is the same in my world anyway!
I am super SUPER glad you have had a calm day with good in it, inside your window.
I think it is truly amazing that you can hear and feel and see the impact of the wrongness of the wrong without needing to know. It seems so very strange to me that you can do that, while some of those who know cannot. However, some can, and thus plan B is in progress (though stalled due to the darn long weekend).
I super hope our weekends continue to be calm and good and within our windows, CheerBear. I will be playing with data again tomorrow so I am hopeful of avoiding buses.
Goodnight my most amazing not-friend.
27 Jan 2018 07:07 AM
27 Jan 2018 07:07 AM
27 Jan 2018 02:28 PM
27 Jan 2018 02:28 PM
Hi @CheerBear,
This is a bit of a quick flyby just to check in and check that you haven't had any bus squishing. I agree that weekends (and especially long weekends) tend to be safe non-bus times.
I am still playing with data. I have to get it done before I head off to change the world on Monday. I super wish I could tell you all about my change the world adventure. I will share the bits I can when I can. I figure I might tell you the general geographical location of where I am when I get there, and then after I've left, I will tell you more about where I was. Alas, I can't share the actual world-changing bit, but I'm planning to do something fun on the Monday (world changing doesn't actually start until Tuesday) and I will be able to tell you about that after I've done it. Yay for being able to do things together but not and share the doing of them after they're done.
Panic waves/jolts super suck. Yep, trauma is definitely stored in the body!
Yoga-ing will be happening sometime soon. I hurt my arm, that's why yoga-ing hasn't been happening. It is super bugging me. Violining starts this coming Friday - yay! My volunteering gig is still a few weeks away as they give the kids a bit of time to settle back into the school routine before starting.
I totally hear what you are saying about the diagnosis bus. I think it would be super unhelpful for a psychiatrist to suggest a diagnosis contrary to that of your long-term psychologist, after an initial meeting. I can super hear the scariness and frustration around this. I guess I should be grateful that I am so unbelievably "borderline" that pretty much no one really ever questions it (we just debate whether it should be called BPD or C-PTSD).
I believe that understanding early history is superly duperly important in understanding and thereby managing present banana brain issues. I wonder where you've been getting positive encouragement about that from - must be from some super wise individual.
I guess the tricky thing is that a MH professional can only develop a hypothesis about the issues based on the information they are given. If the client doesn't share something, then this cannot be considered when coming up with a diagnosis. Sadly, MH professionals aren't psychic (I super wish TTT was psychic!!!!). Sadly, if we want someone to help us fit together the pieces of the puzzle, we need to give them the pieces. I know how super super super hard it is to give them all the pieces - especially if you have done it a bazillion times before! I so badly wish you could still have your lifejacket.
I love that you started a sentence with "long story short" and then apologised for the long story.
Ok, well I need to get back to playing with data so that I can get it done before I go to change the world! I am super looking forward to doing the change the world adventure with you together-but-not. I love how I often get the thought of "I must tell CheerBear that" when I'm having adventures. It superly duperly helps me to feel less alone in the world. I'm super glad our oceans collided.
I super hope you are having as calm and as bus-free a day as I am.
27 Jan 2018 08:03 PM
27 Jan 2018 08:03 PM
@Phoenix_Rising I am in the process of starting a new thread for TOR - so the ANC thread can stay 'on track'... but before I do that I wanted to show you the renovations I have made to your corner! If you 'approve' the new renovations then I will include it in the new Octagonal Room - if there are any suggestions or things you would like added/subtracted then let me know... yours needs to be the first 'corner' as the whole concept of TOR began with you
27 Jan 2018 11:34 PM
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