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Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

Hi all I'm new to the group if that's what you call it im currently on antipsychotic medication  witch I don't think is really working   as Im still hear voices and they are not very nice they at the moment I'm feeling lost and confused and sometimes very angry and I can't seem to get my partner to understand 

I hear myself yelling put for help but no-one hears me 

Thanks for the time and sorry about the spelling 


Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

Good Evening @Amiee ,


Congratulations for posting your first post. Welcome to the forums.


I hear things are quite troubling for you at the moment. Although members are unable to provide medical advice or support, I hope you will be able to connect with others going through something similar.


It is also perhaps a good idea to seek the advice from your prescribing doctor and inform them what is currently not working for you.


Do you have supports around you whom you can speak to?



Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

@Amieehi Aimee how long have you been on the medication for?  the fact that you can distinguish the fact that these are voices therefore not real is a good sign that you are thinking logically.  If you were telling me they were aliens for example then that would be a huge cause for alarm. Speak to your doctor re you voices he/she will probably tweak the dose or chane them. I have bipolar I/schizoaffective disorder and after much tweaking no longer hear voices. Take care. greenpea

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

Thank you for replying to me I do have a gp and a physicist and I thought I had my partner but when I tell him what is going on I hear him saying your silly but his not even speaking 

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

Hello @Amiee 

Have you seen a psychologist, as well as a psychiatrist?  Your Gp can refer you and explain the mental health care plan situation.  Often psychologists offer therapies not just meds.  Pdocs as I call them often do not have that much time. Sorry your partner does not understand.   Take Care

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

I have been on my meds since September last year they worked for a few months I will call my doctor tomorrow 

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

I think I'm seeing both of them 

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy


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Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy

@Appleblossom  I didn't know that thank you 

Re: Hearing voices think I'm going crazy


I am a big believer, that a meds only approach is not effective, that therapeutic intervention, education, and personal growth are more important.  There are no instant solutions.  While you are on forum you can look around and meet people and see the more social forums, like music, pets, inspirational messages etc....  Maybe gradually you will become clearer on the best things for you and your 'team' can get into action.