@Catcakes and thanks heaps
🙂 Your trigger-happiness made me smile!
I think my biggest consideration with meds are side effects, as well as me not having a great history with sticking to them (that's my bad) causing problems. And meds don't exactly stop annoyingly tricky life stuff from happening, as I'm thinking you might understand. It's a couple of weeks away, which gives me plenty of time to look into it. I'd love to hear your experience with it but medication talk and the forum guidelines makes me teeter on being very careful about discussing meds (which I understand why). If you do feel like sharing sometime, I'm really keen on hearing what you (and everyone) find helps the most though, out of all of the things available, meds and beyond.
Hope your day has been ok or had ok/good in it
🙂 I'll hopefully be wandering around the forum catching up later, once some fish are in bed.