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Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness


@Zoe7 Yes Yes Yes Smiley Happy

Its about one hour away now

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness


Good morning @Former-Member Smiley Happy Heart

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness

@Former-Member GREAT!!!Smiley HappyHeart

I'll be offline for about half an hour or so (be about 4:30 your time) - takes about 20 minutes to get there by car and then a short walk. I'll try and take a photo and post it - remember my phone is not great. I'll take my laptop too (just in case). Toby is already up and getting excited - as soon as I put my cap on (Liverpool FC of course) he knows I'm going somewhere.  Give Kira a kiss and a hug from me and Toby,

Talk when I get there xxxxxxxxxxx


Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness

I'm at the beach and its raining - won't need a shower lster!

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness


Enjoy the beach @Zoe7 Heart

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness


I am surprised the sun is already up here not long after 4am @Zoe7 

I am gonna head to bed. Good morning & Good night

@Zoe7 sisHeart

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness

Goodnight lil sis xxxxxxx @Former-Member

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness

Goodmorning lil sis @Former-Member 

The sun was trying to rise through the rain! This is where Toby and I like to go and just sit on the rocks. WelI I like to sit on the rocks and Toby likes to play in the sand and water!


We walked up the track - still raining but a nice view anyway (and more shelter).


And Toby wanted to say HELLO to you and Kira xxx

Toby beach 3.jpg

I'm officially cactus!!! Need sleeeeeeep!! Off to bed.Hope you get a few hours sleep and have a great day with your Mum and your beautiful puppy dog Smiley Happy

Love ya lil sis Heart

Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness


Hi sis @Zoe7 Heart

I got about 5 hours sleep last night and I have been up for a few hours now.

By the looks of things you have not had any sleep????

I might head off again, I thought I would just check in, hope you get some sleep soon.

Talk to you soon xox


Re: Supporting a friend with terminal illness

about 2 hours -  then babies wanted feeding - should have fed them before I went to bed - bad move!!

Have a good day sis - talk soon xxx @Former-Member