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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I think @Former-Member meant BoP - Bird of Paradise 😉.


I basically hit the ground running on Thursday, after a day of watching and learning. Apparently Wed and Thurs are the busiest days. I am having to unlearn what I learnt at the last workplace, although the job is the same the procedures and systems are different. I pick things up quickly though so I'm not worried too much. Everyone is fairly new and still learning themselves and there is no yelling or harassment.

How was your walk? The weather here is being unpredictable. It was bright and sunny a little while ago, now it's gone all dark and cool.

I'm going to have chicken and veg pie for dinner that I froze a couple of weeks ago so dinner is set and I am about to make the muffins so I might be able to make the chat tonight 🤗

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Birdofparadise8 

I'm doing ok, a bit sore from yesterdays hike. I have spent most the day with my friend for her birthday, I took her to Cygnet for lunch. I dropped her off home for a few hours, I had a nap at home. About to go pick her up and have dinner out with her family. 


How are you doing?

Hello, @ENKELI @Former-Member @Snowie @Shaz51 @tyme  wishing you a good evening and hope the week ahead is all you hope for 🙂

Re: Not Coping

Hahaha yeah i see that now lol. 

I'm happy there is no yelling @ENKELI 

That sounds yummy. It is lovely here I'm just walking around the campus it's 17c here. 

Hey @Blackbird11 

It sounds like a very busy day for you. I hope you enjoy dinner. 

Re: Not Coping

@Blackbird11 a nap and a nice hot shower will fix the soreness from the hike I hope! 
it sounds like a busy day for you, but very enjoyable.


May your week be filled with peace and blessings my friend 😍

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Blackbird11 

Hope you have a nice time at dinner.

Just cooked a curry for tea. My house smells really good!!

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 it must be nice to be able to walk around the campus. I should get into walking too.


What are you doing for dinner? I am sick of having sandwiches for lunch the last few days so I am looking in the freezer to find something more interesting. I am broke until Wednesday otherwise I'd go shopping.

Re: Not Coping

Yes, well, it was only for 20 min. My hip started to hurt, so I went home. I've been doing some strength and stretching, and my osteo suggests I do. 

I am having spaghettini bolognese, which I cooked last night. 

I hope you can find something to eat @ENKELI 

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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @ENKELI 🌺🙂🤗

yeah, it’s not easy making and keeping friendships is it. It’s very nice to hear that you have friends online though, which sounds like a lovely way to stay connected 🙂🌺


I’m so very sorry you’ve been criticised for your appearance - that’s not helpful in any way and I still don’t understand why people do that 💜🫂


Unscrupulous body scrutiny is so uncalled for, and I wish people would consider what it feels like to hear their comments before making others hear them sometimes💜


I really don’t understand why o don’t get any help, to be honest… I keep hearing ‘but you look like nothing is wrong with you’, which of course is very insulting, but nevertheless it sticks, unimaginably so, considering what state I’m in most days. Not to worry 🌺

Need to focus on what I can do, while I still can do it, and make the days work from there 🙂


thanks so very much @ENKELI , you are a big part of this supportive community, and I really appreciate chatting with you here 🫂💜🙂🌺


thank you also for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers 🤗🌺💜

I hope you have a lovely evening ☺️🌺

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Re: Not Coping

Yes indeed @ENKELI and @Birdofparadise8 ..aka BoP 🙂💜🌺

I hope you didn’t mind? 🤗🌺


ENKELI I hope work is going ok - sorry I forgot to ask you about it.. I hope things settle in very well and you enjoy it 🙌🏻😍


@Blackbird11 i hope you can feel better soon, after the big walk yesterday, and your evening is going well 🙂🌺


@Birdofparadise8  I’ll be going to bed very soon, as I’m super tired for the moment - I’m really sorry I won’t be online for the chat tonight, however I’ll try to make it next time ☺️🌺💜🤗

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 not good that your hip started hurting 😣 I didn't realise you had hip problems. I knew you saw an osteo but wasn't sure what for.

My back has been hurting, I will have to see if I can start late and see my doctor for my corticosteroid injections, they always help. I would have loved a massage but again can't afford one at the moment. I'm so looking forward to a regular decent pay again.

I'm sure I'll find something, even if it's leftovers from dinner. I have something for tomorrow, just need something for Tuesday.