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Re: Riding a wave

Yep, there are a bunch of shaved unicorns out there who kindly donated their fleece for people like me to create blankets with Smiley LOL

Yay for exciting changing the world adventures and fancy (definite face-palm) hotels! I wish I could watch you change the world in person @Phoenix_Rising!

Gotta run now. See you when I see you 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear wrote:


Gotta run now. See you when I see you 🙂

@CheerBear... and I will see you even when I don't, my super awesome not-friend. Smiley Very Happy

Re: Riding a wave

I do not matter, 

I'm only one person,

Destroy me completely,

Then throw me away.

I need you to hear me @CheerBear. I need you to tell me it's not ok. I need you to hear me. I really really really need you to hear me. I need to hear you tell me it's not ok. It's so so so not ok. I feel dirty and icky and utterly utterly utterly utterly worthless. I am voiceless, I am powerless. Shhhhhhhh don't tell. I need you to hear me. I super super super badly need you to hear me. I need you to know without knowing and hear without hearing and tell me that it's so so so not ok. Shhhhhhh don't tell. Please please please know without knowing @CheerBear.

Re: Riding a wave

It's so very much not ok @Phoenix_Rising. I really do hear you and I really do know without needing to know.

It's been an amazingly difficult day today here in my world and I am calling past tonight because you matter to me. I've spent a lot of time today sending you "please know without knowing" messages in my head. I think we both know.

We can sit together-but-not in our bigness, understand without needing to know, and hear each other without needing to talk. I'm here even when I am not.

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear it has been an amazingly difficult day in my world too. We both know without knowing and we both know that it is so so so not ok. It is so so SO not ok. We will sit together-but-not in the total and utter not ok-ness. The whole pocket crew and I are definitely sleeping in your pocket tonight. 

One day we will change the world because we truly know how totally and utterly not ok it is. And we know it because of days like today and events like this. The only way to know this stuff is to have days like this. It is so so SO wrong, but it is only those who have had days like this that can truly see the wrongness and thus who can truly change the world. 

Like you, I am here even when I'm not. You matter so much to me. I hear you, what is happening is not ok. You matter to me. 

Good night CheerBear. 

Not applicable

Re: Riding a wave

Goodnight @Phoenix_Risingsleep well in @CheerBear's protective pocket tonight. I'm keeping watch tonight....

Re: Riding a wave

@Former-Member I feel super super super icky and super super super afraid. I don't matter, anybody can do anything to me. I am voiceless, I am powerless. Shhhhhh don't tell. 😔😔😔😔😔

Re: Riding a wave

I feel dirty and icky and so so so afraid. I feel so so so yuck. Anybody can do anything to me. I am voiceless, I am powerless. Shhhhh don't tell. 😔😔😔😔😔

Re: Riding a wave

The wave is super super super big right now. I feel so sick and dirty and utterly utterly utterly worthless. Shhhhh don't tell. 😔😔😔😔😔

Re: Riding a wave